:: Desire::
Desire is of average height.
is neither man nor woman, but rather men and women, because it is not enough I want one genre.
is unlikely that any portrait of him I want justice, they see her (or him) is love (or love) ... passionately, painfully, excluding everything else I smell
subliminally of summer peaches, and has two shadows: one is black and sharp edge, the other is translucent and blazing like hot steam. I
smiles in brief flashes, like light hitting the edge of a razor. And there are many other things I want to look like blades.
Never a possession, always the possessor, with skin as pale as smoke and yellow eyes like fine wine. Desire is everything you've always wanted.
are 11 books.
The "wrote" a British named Neil Gaiman.
say that "wrote" it's actually made a comic novel. Only that each of the chapters you draw someone else. So, you never see a cartoon like twice.
There are 7 characters, which are not gods (as the gods die when nobody believes in them.) They are: Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair and Delirium . Each has its plane of existence, and personality.
book series called "Sandman" and is based on the character of Morpheus, or Dream. books, I will not lie, do not come cheap, and I was saying to bring one after another. Today I came last. So, finish my collection of these books.
One of the main characters in the series, Desire, and Desire, says at one point that "get what you want and be happy are two different things ". Well not that I hold the literary equivalent of a post-partum depression, but it is fun once one has achieved something, and realizes that no longer can only hope .. Y when you already have what you want, and do not want more ... what next?
"Maybe wait until there are no more what to expect another character said Man spends lot of time chasing what you crave, and when he succeeds, you get what you wanted, is happy, but then roll it a feeling of abandonment, helplessness, emptiness.
insist, is not it .. books only a digression on what you want and what you get ... well say that the worst things that can happen to anyone is a) not getting what they want b) get