:: all for one ... ::
, the history began even before me, as often happens (the initials AC and DC do not mean "before cyanide" or "after cyanide ... I'm not a very important reference point .. yet).
apart was seen at three, but not knowing they were part of a triad .. on the screen of my computer only saw about three different worlds that I drew from the tedium of sportsbook calls at that time .. just when cyanide was forming.
So Good Friday three of them decided to give him the chance to know this deadly, and climb to the third floor of the honorable lechon (the reference to pork rinds on Good Friday is not a coincidence) ... and so the story took shape with the THREE ...

A loooong had me patience with my little evidence about reading your blog. We are very very different, and I think in normal conditions of life not virtual, we would not have known. I admire their feet on the ground (because although sirenoide not stop them) and their lack of fear of conflict .. that it seems almost like you! hahaha. This is the third, the terrible atropos that loves to run with scissors, but that measures very well the risks.

The second is faced little girl, but very very female mind. Decided to follow his passion for colors, on a par with his career with the antics, and all very much welcome having such courage (because in these times, escasiiiiiisima Valente is a virtue.) I can play with her words and share the vicissitudes of age and I start doing old (though still leaving their crisis ..). She is the laquesis , which measures the life of one side or the other, he makes the juice each step, you have the time and patience to get smiles on forests and turn everything into seeds.

And the other, has been kind enough to open their doors wide. I refer to the patio, the living room, kitchen, the refrigerator, cabinet where he keeps his Chai tea that manages to round the corners to life when the reality is very tricky to swallow. Has a cat that used to de-stress and to relieve all the love in the world, and hands full of mud and blocks to rebuild worlds and hearts. And a half old and half Inge Swiss knife .. She touches make Clotho, starting with thousands of skeins skilled craftsmen for create new worlds and laptops.
one thing and another, as has happened a couple of cats, a cashew, horrible operations in the abdomen, more cowardly, a couple of brave valientiiiisimos much red wine, a wedding, many outings, trips to Central America, some crisis, friends with branches and roots, a couple of cats, and so delicious.
not think this is a trip down memory lane .. it's just that life is a wind, and has a nasty habit of taking us to different places to each ... one we are going to the north nortÃsimo to write a new chapter in his life, against all odds, holding the hand of its delightful willpower. The other is us go to a not so distant north, away from some scene of 7-Monday-to-the-week and do their little business on the sidewalk tropical ...
We were both with the heart for a bit claustrophobic ... but knowing that the three remain so, even with different time zones, tickets, bridges to tempisque a bubble already sold, and a house that we will not be back for coffee ...