Sunday, September 20, 2009
Football Abdomen With Fluttering Sensations
A character endearing classic western was the Chapman, who moved into his cart a host gender-like Chinese stores but street-version to fill the pioneers stocked out. Among them, a peculiar group was made up of charlatans who offered universal remedies, usually a miraculous elixir brought from the Far East, which was not refused any medical condition, discomfort or inconvenience, of gastritis with alopecia. In this case, the condition of street came forced by the need to exit legs of each population, either because the miracle was expected, either because the results were not exactly advertised.
With ICT is the same. Upload a charlatan huckster the floor of Congress and offer the cure-all remedy for the ills of education. And buy it without question make no proof! The ICT elixir obnubila politicians .. and many teachers. Matter little experimental reports that demonstrate the dubious effectiveness of the remedy, at least if applied shortage criteria. No one objected to the CrecePelo miraculous.
the politicians fall given before the computer does not surprise me. In a serious state of education, is infinitely greater media impact of cramming classrooms with computers that incorporate support teachers. In the final analysis, the effects are only seen in the long term, beyond the electoral horizon. What I find hard to accept is the rapture of the teachers before the speech ICT trickster. Do not you remember that great educational innovations have to do with reflection and action, but not technology? Do not you see that countries that excel in international events are less technological equipment that our most backward regions? Why, then, applaud the charlatan rather than throw tomatoes or out of the stage to Gorraz?
If we have learned is that we are in an environment of vast diversity, where each student from a different position, with its own organizers and preconceptions, their own interests and their own patterns and rhythms of learning. Therefore, the "one size fits all" does not work, call lecture, manual or minipecé encyclopedic. To a diverse environment must be to welcome the computer as a powerful resource to enrich, never to replace, the list of available resources. I have come to see the materials stored in boxes in a science lab, relatively modern and well stocked, to make room for a new computer room, and this is a disgrace for learning. Can you learn mechanics with a virtual laboratory? No doubt, but is this the way to achieve a better learning experience? Who put in the hands of a surgeon, knowing that all their clinical training already done by a computer?
Educators seduced by the discourse of charlatan easy as pie exploit the argument that the computer has conquered all areas of society, while the classrooms are basically stuck in a transmissive model, outdated and inefficient. "If everybody uses the computer, how is it that is not in school?". This is a wrong and harmful speech, which explains the large investments failed. The question is "what should we change the current educational model to better serve the growing diversity" and "how ICTs can bring in this new model."
is naive to think that technology itself is going to cause major changes in the classroom. Al contrary, experience shows that by becoming a mere substitute for other resources such as the textbook, without a deep reflection on the organization of the groups, spaces and school days, further strengthens what has already been doing and not contributes to innovation and educational improvement.
The sale of snake oil elixir is easy, because it saves us the complex decision among numerous other resources available, and low risk for the charlatan, because the results will come in the long term. So when a report analyzing the results seriously, as has happened recently with the devastating analysis after eight years of implementation of ICT in the Landes , the charlatan and will be away or be taken another distraction from his wagon.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Circuit Diagram For Body Temperature
Friday, August 21, 2009
Place Seating Ideas/frame

Nothing to do with the sham-Rivero, who monopolizes cover and story. Posa safe from the spotlight, left, self-sufficient and dominant view, as a shepherd dog to a given herd. Overflowing masculinity in the details, stubble, walnut prominent jaw powerful ... - which can not be silenced by that grotesque lock, with which it aims to supplant the heroic reporter. Lords
journalists, get to know the characters have souls, and not simply spend several hours in the makeup table to capture. If I may a suggestion, call the next time Ariadna Gil, in his gesture and sweet and dreamy look essentially takes some of Tintin. The baggy and the lock are not important.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Who Is Pregant In Pokemon By Ash
: as an update::
taken me regain the healthy habit of blogging.
Now that I Logue (or as you type) I realized I was 7 months of not writing.
Too. At this time they have spent a couple of things, well, some have been known, and others, for no ...
First of all, tell them that died Meteor Project. Well .. not as dramatically .. but the initial view was faced with a serious change.
December 15, I submitted my resignation, and a couple of days later the manager of the company called me to talk in his office.
He is an older man, with great kindness and an incredible view.
I said things like:
"if we were in crisis, I would support, but I think this is not the time to do what he wants to do"
"think about it ... remember to say also is wise to rectify "
... and other things.
I decided to stay at my job, so I still have to go from one side to another of the country spreading the gospel of chlorine tablets to all those despotabilizados ...
Second, is that despite the months and decisions (which are not easily made me stay here, for it and savored the saborcito of the rebellion), I decided had more than one way to skin a cat (Strychnine mom said.)
I decided I was going to go where a psychologist, because it was necessary to heal and work on several things. My next post will be about.
back to what the former Project Meteor, chatting with a friend we conclude that there must be something better .. not a meteorite, but something else planned .. style NASA mission. It has no name, but it is on track ..
So now, I'm looking car. I want a Geo Tracker or Suzuki Sidekick . Must be hard top, because the canvas has a zipper on the outside (just need a carpet of "Welcome" for thieves). You must also have air conditioning (I can not stand this heat driving a black car interior). Well, I wish it were black, but that is to fix it lol.
After that, before the year ends, I happen to live in an apartment (with the little money that I stay, if I have left after buying the car).
So that's the most interesting thing I have to report at this time.
PS: I'm in the office, alkaline tide, so the metaphors do not leave me because they are sleeping nap .... my apologies for the despoesía.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Blue Prints Hair Salon Wisconsin
This blog aims to elaborate a little more ionospheric resonance amplifier systems to lower electricity from the ionosphere, due to the large number of inquiries I have received on the subject.
live on a planet full of power everywhere, the Sun is an electrical generator, not only emits light, but charged particles, the issue of 200 billion volts with a positive charge, these charges come in the form of solar wind to our planet are trapped by Earth's magnetic field, these positive charges produce an electric field less negatively charged layer of the ionosphere which in turn positively charged surface and the entire volume and therefore every day walk on an electrified planet, just not feeling the effects because we are equipotentials, the measurements give an electrical charge to the earth and the ionosphere average of 96500 Coulombs and electric field causes the potential difference from the ground up in 150 Volts per meter of height so that the total potential difference between the land surface and the bottom layer of the ionosphere reaches the 400,000 volts, so that our planet and the ionosphere form a spherical capacitor whose plates are separated by about 50 km is the distance Earth to the lowest layer of the ionosphere or electrosfera, the equivalent capacitor has a capacity of 0.25 Farads, and an accumulated energy of 160 billion Joules is the same or about 4.5 megawatt-hours, the dielectric separating the two plates of the capacitor is negatively charged air in the lower areas and positively in the upper zones, which will ionize more height rather due to the electric field but cósmicosy rays to provide immediate electrostatic energy that is sufficient to raise a metal plate from the floor and use the potential difference for energy
As mentioned before, these systems were developed in the late 19 by the Mr. Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943), of Croatian origin, scientific electrical engineer, inventor of the induction motor that made possible the generation and transmission electricity worldwide, who tested and implemented these systems are known for the large number of photos and people witnessed its operation, however, given the exotic electricity in those days, the profit of their toil and vision financiers to deliver free energy around the globe, these projects were dropped, and the large potential of the same, after the death of this great inventor, U.S. government authorities confiscated all its equipment, patents as material restricted, so those We were interested in developing these systems have had to figure out everything from scratch, which is not bad, but very exciting, all is left of Mr. Tesla, sometimes poorly remembered by teachers and Electronic Electricity are: The unit of magnetic induction, the induction motor, Tesla coil (poorly named), and the famous U.S. military project known as Star Wars
Particularly interesting is the work of Nikola Tesla on what would later be called Schumann Resonance , theorizing about it that could be used to "... power transmission and intelligible message from anywhere in the balloon. " In other words, a power transmission network. "So amazing are the facts of this connection, it seems as if the Creator had designed a planetary electric ...." - Nikola Tesla described the Schumann Resonance (7.8 Hz) "The Power Transmission Wiring Necessity is the means to achieve the distant World Peace", Electrical World And Engineer, January 7, 1905, PP 21-24.
In the early '50s, Professor Dr. OW Schumann of the Technical University of Munich, Germany, discovered the effect of resonance of the earth-air-ionosphere , now generally called WAVES SCHUMANN, in honor of its discoverer who launched into the public domain much of his studies
The day after Tesla's death, all your notes and apparatus their laboratories were removed by U.S. government agents and to date continue to be protected by the state secret, and therefore the information obtained from this subject is almost no
In my case, I have deduced the theoretical part of these systems and developed practical systems to download this free energy and has been pleasing for me to know people have been inspired by my page and have managed to successfully build these systems, I have recently learned English developed an antenna, small and simple and that drew from the window of his apartment building and was moving motors 220 V and 380 V.
amplification resonance energy is not just an issue of the ionosphere, in other areas there is also resonance amplification, there is mechanical resonance, electrical, chemical resonance and many other forms of energy amplification, perhaps that is the most common sounds used in medicine called nuclear magnetic resonance scanners for physicians, and is simply a frequency magnetized atoms resonate and emit high energy signals are received by the medical device, the resonance amplification there is no violation of the principle of conservation of energy but apparently out more energy than it enters, remains as it is the internal energy of the system which is released as when you turn the wick of an explosive demonstration
As NASA has confirmed that the energetic process of the ionosphere is used very frequently in nature to balance the energy of the capacitor we mentioned before confirming the existence of direct downloads between the ionosphere and storm clouds over 80 km long are they have some super ray appearances called SPRITES or English, the next link in the figure the bottom of the page shows the formation of Sprites:
And here animated photos NASA confirmed the same phenomenon:
Note that not only downloads from the ionosphere down, but there are others coming up, such as does this antenna, the lower is the excess energy accumulated in the ionosphere and rising excess electrons must climb are on the surface, the energies involved in these natural processes are more than megawatts
Applications additional :
These systems besides the obvious application for power home or industrial free-form given its features of portability and easy installation and no limits on the amount of energy obtained, their applications would also in:* land transport systems: normal vehicles can be converted to electric motor driven by these systems with the antenna on the roof like a beacon, like trolleybuses, but in this case is wireless and available in road or place and without refueling
* Transport Systems Air: aircraft can be designed for all levels to full height, speed, power, and perhaps most likely space for satellite heights or older because the ionospheric reflection-amplification would be identical, in theory above the ionosphere itself, but for these systems, aircraft design should be especially thinking of maximum efficiency, as easily as than terrestrial systems would be sufficient to change the traditional aircraft engines to electric pickup and put the antenna in a suitable location, but is much better specially designed to use the principle of lift and drive directly related to the electricity generated.
In this sense, the best power converter Dynamic drive in support or direct the ion engine is something that is nothing new, it has been known for some time, just not yet has been applied in transportation systems due to the enormous amount of electricity they need, but because these systems they can satisfy demand at all times, this system is optimal, although some ships already are using so that I appreciated. The basic principle of the ion engine is as show below, two electrically charged metal grids, or two parallel flat metal plates as a parallel plate capacitor through which can flow as much air or fluid as possible, suppose the 2 boards are loaded with the same polarity, then the volume of air or fluid between the plates of opposite charge is charged by field effect, say if the plates are positively charged. as shown in the figure below, the air will not, now if the plate on the left will change to negative polarity, as shown in the second sequence of the figure, the air between the plates will be repelled by plates with great force to the right and the left plate of the same polarity because it repels and attracts the right as the admission of air is discharged plates for more air, this process is highly efficient, lossless or heating as current fuel turbines, in fact home the reader can build an electronic system with 2 screens and see for himself the plate system rises in the midst of a silent electric wind, the turbine does not emit noise, at least for low power, and if any would be wind coming out of it. This system takes a lot in industry to prevent the emission of smoke from the chimneys of the dust captured by a system very similar to this call, electrostatic precipitator, oddly enough if backwards polarize the air enters the turbine and we could at a distance as we want, such as lifting and carrying a load from the ground

basic principle turbine ionic
The great advantage of our aircraft and ground systems is NO need to load fuel or power for the antenna power provided free to capture the desired level and the view
drive and lift system based on these turbines our aircraft, failure to perfect the aerodynamics of it, and is much better than traditional, since it does not need to airfoils can modify to our liking as the impetus and justification for not dependent on the shape of the ship, we should only concerned has the proper aerodynamic shape at high speeds to provide a low air resistance, and .... In aircraft is known that the most efficient aerodynamic shape is the DISC, but the reader can play with other forms, such as the paraboloid of the space shuttle, and we can go further in considering the efficiency advantages of this system, we all know that major limitation to the speed of an aircraft, especially those that move several times the speed of sound, the heat produced by contact with air, that is technically known as the movie effect, simply rubbing the surface air ship, therefore, is known to be separate to avoid air contact surface, and this has been done with ionic repulsion, ie the air that touches the surface electrically charging the surface with the same polarity, following a mechanism similar to that of the ion engine, achieving a repulsion and separation of the boundary layer significantly reducing heating and allowing much higher speeds, and is perfectly achievable because our systems are purely power, the figure shows the idea of \u200b\u200bthe boundary layer and effect film, where red is seen with the layer of air that has been separated due to the repulsion of charges of equal sign between the surface of the aircraft and the air layer and warming is affecting only the air layer separated by considerably reducing the heat of friction
What speeds, heights could be achieved?, Estimates at least reveal values \u200b\u200bimmense, almost unimaginable given the available energy, here we have the problem of oxygen, as most reactors of the super Jets do not fly very high due to lack of oxygen in the upper layers, but our turbine needs only aire.En summary, our craft requires at least 2 turbines ionic, be a disk or paraboloid, but in practice we could use more to secure stability in lift, vertical takeoff and others to move forward, backward or mild or turn suddenly. I would like some readers suggested some form or model ship, since I am not good at drawing.
* Maritime Systems: All previous systems would be applicable to water flow without any problems, at least on the surface of it, under water, as high permanence submarines would be analyzed. Because I think the antenna to be submerged can send and receive pulses through water
* Support the Space Race: As mentioned above, would be easy to send into space any object, satellite or other structure, at least to go into orbit or to go into space external and drive system.
* Telecommunications: If you look above to download the documents shown in the documents of Ionospheric propagation resonant cavity and also able to obtain free energy EM waves can send the same that are captured by the lower layer to send to the resonant frequency and forced to go around the whole orbit back to the point spread, and then we can send audio or video or Internet to anywhere in the world with no power problems and lower required transmission where we want it at the point other antenna down just send pulses to divert resonance signals sent down, free telecommunications, satellite without it, Tesla actually did demonstrations of remote control, one in 1898, was in Madison Square Garden where a large ship moving remotely powered and controlled from a distance with a large number of attendees. Tesla also presented a series of plans to build remote-controlled torpedo boats, ensuring that they have enjoyed during the war against Spain, the United States had won the war in just one week without losing a single man in the race.
* Military Systems: Inevitably, any technology can be applied for good or evil and not necessarily applied to defense is bad, the application would from ion gun capable of launching projectiles propelled by electric repulsion thousands of miles, cannon to launch drops of water at high speed to penetrate any shield or other intercontinental, to direct discharges from the ionosphere to a specific point called Tesla, lightning death, whose energy could easily be higher than that of an atomic bomb falling on a city, we all know what makes lightning to a tree, but these would be super rays, and if the energies involved are so large can clearly desvalance occur on the planet's climate unexpected consequences because the ionosphere has a considerable influence on global climate, Fortunately, there are historical antedentes the same Tesla said that the famous Tunguska explosion in Siberia, Russia, was due to one of its rays emitted by mistake in his calculations which he hoped would fall down at the North Pole to show a friend traveling these days there, and there is the letter from President Wilson issued at the time of the material is now owned by the Foundation Tesla, the explosion covered 3,000 square kilometers of forest were wiped out by an explosion which was calculated equivalent power to a pump 50-megaton nuclear. Never gave a convincing explanation to the event, as it never found the remains of a meteorite crater or other factor can explain such devastation. The ensuing explosion was heard 620 miles away from the site. On another occasion he said Tesla could have a ray from the earth in two like an apple in his last days he sent copies of the plans for his "death ray" to the governments of the United States, France, Russia and the United Kingdom, with the idea that this kind of destructive power in the hands of all the powers would achieve a balance that can bring a new era of prosperity and peace to mankind. Recent news indicate that none of the powers they received the plans for the "death ray" failed to take seriously the invention of Tesla. In 1987, the Russian right-wing leader, Valentin Shirinovsky, West threatened to use "death ray" capable of destroying all NATO forces operating against Serbia during the Balkan crisis. Western intelligence sources were quick to deny that such a weapon exists, but Russian media released some documents revealing that the former Soviet Union had that lightning from the fifties. Major questions or inquiries, to e:
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Snowmobile Ontario Salvage And Parts
Who this section will suggest an ironic, cynical and even bizarre, we anticipate that it will not, but basically descriptive and, perhaps just a bit of manners.
admit that at first I was exasperated many incivility of my neighbors. For example, when you put garbage bags on the landing at the beginning of a long bridge, beneath the sign warning that there would be no collection, or throwing cigarette butts out their windows, or plant of canine excrement on the sidewalk, even though , yes, provided they wear a bag-free-of collection that are never used, or when they block a number of parked vehicles while going to a bar for a drink or get on a nap, oblivious to the beep sound desperate who need to move your car.
Yes, I acknowledge my lack of tolerance for these vandals to live together, exercising their power on the boards neighboring system opposed by all that do not directly benefit, even if others benefit without affecting the pocket.
worst is how aggressive you are criticized, which are very present all around them, generating a protective circle between the forced politeness and flattery, which ultimately further strengthen the incivility. It is understood that be the first to object to Education for Citizenship, because they are convinced that they, and not the school, who must shape the character of their offspring. His contempt for teachers is immediately transmitted to their offspring, these are people that embitter the lives of many teachers and makes grass anxiolytics. Stems is recognized by the desire to leave a mark ... on the walls of the newly refurbished elevator, new roof on the bus or in the windows of the coach that just premiered. Careful attention, they are worthy heirs of their parents' uncivil ballast. They will face either with bravado, believing that "no is no "public, which belongs to everyone." I refuse the proposal of 4 º C to pay out of pocket TV module Arab satellite dish."
"Does that mean that proposes to reward the community? "you ask.
" Nooo ... I refuse to let the module. What if I want to put the Astra, and then there is no room? "" And is that the worst are those who hide their anti-social behavior with effective arguments, but easy to unmask.
" President, I put on record that the neighbor López intend to pay out of pocket Astra module for the enjoyment of all community. "
" Noooo ... Lopez yells jumping from his seat I have not said who will pay for that! Well, the Moor that put the module you want , "he adds red with indignation at being locked center of attention.
But I must admit, too, that a recent event radically changed my assessment of this incivility cocky, to witness one of these savages occupying a disabled parking space.

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Should I Thaw Sausages Before Cooking Them
say that abortion free from the age of 16 without parental consent "prevent unwanted pregnancies" is like saying that to free candy at the start of the colleges will reduce childhood obesity. As an aside remember the paradox that the law prohibits explore gynecologists girls under 18 unless accompanied by their mothers. Of course, the report calls for flying the Minister girls aged 16 years "women children", a euphemism to justify the autonomy of decision in front of their parents.
The measure will reduce the children, yes, but no pregnancy, which are likely to increase the knowledge there is always a "final solution" in which parents do not even need to get to know. Only a little or demagogic mind can conclude that therefore "logical" to terminate pregnancy is to have fewer pregnancies, and if the consequence of closing the tap is that there were fewer taps. Sorry for the simplicity, but it is less that of the minister. Well no, so whether that shortage is in the minister, as a euphemism used to exploit the lack of others, the result is unfortunate. Abortion is a human drama and a social failure, and if the law decriminalizing and tell yourself not to euphemisms and hurtful.
fashionable euphemism But this affects not only politicians. I know the press of the fierce controversy over the award of the Medal of Arts to a particular bullfighter. I never read news for bulls, an atavistic ballast worst of our "culture", but in this case I drew a headline - Whistles and palms fanning the controversy of the Medal of Fine Arts - following the logic which I expected outrage of citizens or because the Cabinet had considered in the category of "fine arts" the cruel actions of the killers in the bullring.
But no, the outrage gathered by the newspaper was completely implausible. Comes from other butchers and related to the "task" to protest because the recipient does not collect sufficient merit his credit. "It is a bullfighter who is good, but neither an artist nor a face," say the critics. Euphemisms again, this time complicated by jargon taurine, where the pathetic reality of poetic flourishes around to name the unnamable. For example, the "task" is a perverse way to trick, scare and wound up killing a powerful herbivore attack only to be cornered. The "bullfighter" is obviously the slaughterer that becomes a spectacle of animal torture, and "artist and figure" escapes me, is for the initiated. The climax of that cynicism senseless, insensible to the progress and lacking the most basic human compassion, raised to butcher the degree of "master" the shameful spectacle "National Day" and the atavistic torture of Fine Arts.
If euphemisms were raised, such as bullfighting, the category of Fine Arts, the "intellectuals" bullfighting, Mrs. Bibiana and many other politicians would be among the most deserving candidates. Of course it is possible that some of these candidates would not have been creditors of the award if the euphemistic law reducing unwanted pregnancies had a few decades of life.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Ms Fs X Standard And Gold Difference
This morning I had breakfast with a prominent headline in El País - The Vatican says that the pill causes pollution and male infertility - that reflexively, has warned all my defenses - "Does the Vatican? Again in this quagmire? Is it a thing of the Pope? Do not take the most important things to deal with, as the economic crisis or invasion of Gaza? "- but a flicker of hope has reminded me that it was the country where the undisputed quality information has not solved that irrational anti-clericalism tic appears to be part of the identity of the medium.
So, with some prevention, continue reading. Already in the intro is guessed that the Vatican's statement did not come from the Pope's statements, or an encyclical or pastoral letter, even nobody in the curia, but a modest article "English doctor Jose Maria Simon Castellvi." But before I had time to breathe easy - "the Country again! ..."- Never learn the journalist returns insistently the bottom of the holder:
The Vatican has once again lash out with contraceptive methods and ensures that the pill has devastating consequences for the environment and is one of the causes of male infertility ...And finally, since the middle of the text, I am able to mend the situation:
In an article published Saturday, the English José María Simón Castellvi, President of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC), said that oral contraceptives, commonly known as "the pill" may have an abortifacient and are devastating to the environment, as through urine released tons of hormones.Well, I'm more calm. But information is not a doctor, is not very fond of oral contraceptives in half Vatican. Seems biased and irrelevant. I guess this doctor will have taken an objective fact and you've been reviewing your site, incorporating its ideological harvest, a good dose of fear mongering - "a through urine hormone releasing tons ..."-.
And he wants the chance that the following means to me is office Trends 21, in which "strangely"-has long since stopped believing in coincidences, you see a headline that reminded me of the above information (go you know why): The pill can cause birth defects in wildlife . The brief article echoes the finding of researchers at the University of Idaho on serious genetic damage caused by the 17a-ethinyl estradiol, synthetic estrogen used in birth control pills and reaching nature through human urine, in the sort of rainbow trout.
already it is becoming clearer to me, but I preferred to go to the website of the University of Idaho, to establish their own version. And there, under a headline rather less apocalyptic than the Country - Flushing Toilets How Can Cause Genetic Defects in Wildlife - explained that several years ago that water was found contaminated with 17a-ethinylestradiol damaged trout populations rainbow, and now they had discovered the mechanisms of this action, which just published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . The trout that have come into contact with contaminated water may have trisomy, an abnormal number of chromosomes. This condition is frequently found in cancer cells, causes Down syndrome in humans and in the case of trout, produces a dramatic reduction in survival of embryos of this species, which rose from 95% in half, in waters contaminated.
James Nagler, director of research, explains that the 17a-ethinyl estradiol is very difficult to remove in the treatment plants, so that finally happens to the environment. Nagler added that this research opens the interest in many other synthetic estrogen, 17a-ethinylestradiol besides, found in detergents, pesticides and other products daily, and can affect animals that use contaminated water, including humans. So
behind the screaming headline " The Vatican says that the pill causes pollution and male infertility " lies a modest, almost eschatological wastewater How can cause birth defects in wildlife . This interests first amplified by the bias "anticontrol birth" of a physician and then by the anticlerical bias of the country. As an exercise of toxicity information, is not bad.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Kathy Lee Gifford Exc

The last straw was when he "Under Thunder and Lightning" - Unter Donner und Blitz - whose frenetic pace prevents static. How can you lead this polka-slow, no more statements that mark the beginning? Suddenly, a nervous little gesture his right foot was visibly beat while keeping the rest of the body rigidity to the orchestra gave me the key. I suddenly realized that Barenboim was forced passivity, a real action to demonstrate their mastery stage. Barenboim movements did not respond to the dynamism of the composition, but the difficulty presented to the musicians. So I could attack a polka without moving, so he could direct the Radetsky March looking exclusively to the public. But given the complexity of Sphärenklänge had no choice but to follow with zeal each bar.
A great director in the orchestra and in life, not the one who needs to make every move with his team, but who achieved maximum results with minimal gestures. In other words, a great director would not need to go down to the details, and it would be sufficient, if anything, to mark the beginning and end. That economy of gestures is proportional to its authority, so that an omnipotent director should hardly anything for all take place, whether it is a classical melody of the very symphony of creation.
not exaggerating. A powerful director would be dispatched the symphony of creation with a complete theory of everything capable of explaining the initial singularity that would eventually unfold in stars, planets, forests and mosquitoes. In fact, particle physicists, but try to escape the idea of \u200b\u200ba great director, creator of the universe, strive to achieve a primary synthesis can encompass a minimum orders in all creation. For now, cosmologists have taken his synthesis of four fundamental forces and three families of particles, convinced that a universe with these few rules would eventually be deployed to create something as complex as the human mind or as subtle as a waltz. But still see too much complexity in this model. Should not there be a single fundamental interaction that unfold gradually gave rise to everything we know?
In fact, some physicists say the LHC is a time machine, it will approach the Big Bang, the universe at time zero. Not be easy, because the approach is asymptotic, with a difficulty that grows exponentially as we approach the initial instant. But we could go, mentally, of course, a little beyond that point. What order was necessary so that the entire symphony was put in place? Who gave it? In fact, LHC physicists are unwittingly modern theologians of our time. Because when you achieve the great unification theory of everything, the initial picture of the beginning of the universe initial wonder, inevitably, by the author of that minimal instruction leading to a set of processes leading chains in this first morning of 2009, this beautiful Sphärenklänge .