: what they bring apples:
Before I learned properly about the Joyful atoms, all learned of Physics.
seems a damn q Newton was one of those bombillazos cool when I was relaxing under a tree .. and then I came an apple-shaped bulb. It ruled
3 laws:
1) Act Inertia
2) Force Law
3) Law of Action-Reaction .
Those that concern us today are the first two ... the third is good karma, but for today I want to get into mysticism.
The first says that a body at rest or in motion wants to stay at rest or movement he had. In other words, is some resistance to change. Or rather, a period of "habituation" .
Things in my life have decided to move all at once. As if they had woken up, after so much inaction and both slowdowns: I am at least two weeks present thesis (I'm not nervous, but rather a sense of " end up-with-this-via-crucis-de-damn-time unabuena ) and I a week at my new job , I really like (talk about that in the next post), and is forecast Puchunguis on the horizon (no Paquette, no thanks ..).
So I'm a little shocked by such news, but super happy, and with arms abiertototototes for so many good things that seems to come.
The second says that q need for a body to move, is to accelerate. In other words, let I was doing and put the batteries. So, when something happens, it happens all .. when it comes to something, it all comes from.
And here I am, with the sleeves rolled, half super happy to get carried away by the strong current, but not idly .. because there is much to do, but this time I have looooong drive ..
was used to pause, to boredom, to the stillness .. And now life is madness, speed, acceleration, change, evolution, frenzy, arousal, movement ...
Who's afraid? I have the foot on the gas .. and it feels good ... veeeeery
So a moral alternative is that parapets is super necessary under a tree .. and wait for good apples you light rain down. Let the fruit fall from the sky sometimes is not bad ...

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