************************************** From this edition of "Piece of Cartel" no change in the score.
be as follows: The first winners took home four points. The second, THREE. The third, DOS. The following point each.
The reason is that the former tend to hit only three tracks, and the following, from the extra track on the inside and not just for the former. Thank you for your understanding.
And now ... ***************************************
ONE Track : An outrage. Murder.
Track Two: The truth is like the count?. Appearances are deceptive.
THREE Track : comfortable with what I was fishing and listening to music!
Congratulations to: Cinexim, David, Rick Bline, Mr. Lombreeze, Anelva, Anro, Athena, Pepe Cahiers, Lughnasad, Cinema Club Hexagon-Nájera, Manderly, Lillu, Marguisa, Crowley, MucipA, Ricard, Bruno.
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