Cat on the roof of Hollywood
With the death of Liz Taylor disappears after the last major myth of the golden age of Hollywood and one of the most beautiful actresses of all time
Born on 27 February 1932 in London when he was nine years his family moved to Los Angeles to escape the War just exploded World.
Back in LA The cast was presented to a child of the Metro, which in those years became fashionable movies about precocious children on adventures more or less emotional.
Once in payroll in 1942 involved in There's One Born Every Minute , Harold Young, a movie that was never released in Spain, but where attention. Immediately write him a vehicle to measure Lassie (1943).
It to "partner" with other children in the production, Roddy McDowall, but the star of the movie actually was a dog, Lassie, which began here a glorious career as an "actor" in various movies.

That year also Velvet. It was a girl in love with the horses, who manages to win the Grand National. This film was a box office hit and launched her to stardom.
After filming Little Women (1949) leaves behind his period as a child and already a lady marriageable in the hit the bride's father (1950), a film that serves as a transit to move on to roles grown woman in the sensational A Place in the Sun (1951), Goerge Stevens.
Actually A Place in the Sun is the beginning of one of the brightest careers in the film. The movie lays the foundation for its beauty and the type of characters that will make famous.
After a film "period" as Ivanhoe and Tree of life, or the cool generational Gigante in 1958 comes to be the film that established as the star of the fifties.
is in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , which looks beautiful in all its splendor and dramatic displays his great talent.
This interpretation earned him his first Oscar nomination and made famous his insinuating figure.
short but exuberant, with a seductive purple eyes and upturned nose delicious in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof swept through their generous display embedded in suggestive anatomical negligee.
A look would repeat in his next two films, Suddenly Last Summer (1959) and Marked Woman (1960).
Marked Woman assumed the zenith of his generous physical display and is probably the movie where I was more beautiful. The role earned him also the first Oscar of his career.
conference in 1963 which will be the peak of his career, Cleopatra. A from this film the characters are based less on his physical, he is able to focus more on jobs where quality raw artistic display of their anatomy.
The Sandpiper , Vicente Minnelli, with her husband and Richard Burton. And in 1966 they return to work together in Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf? , Mike Nichols, with which you get your second Ocaranza.
A year later, 1967, returned to work with Burton in The Taming of the Shrew . From there his career is losing strength as the myth grows.
Whether his films are mediocre or if their beauty and not make the grade in previous years. The myth prevails and what it is to go to a movie "by Liz Taylor."
Not to be exhaustive, we will say that his last appearance on the big screen was in 1994 in the film The Flintstones . It is a fitting end to a glittering career as making the mother of Fred Flintstone, but she was beyond good and evil.
Myth unquestionable, muse of the international gay community, always advocated for the homosexual cause. Not in vain his best friends were actors like Rock Hudson, Monty Cliff, Sal Mineo and Michael Jackson, although the latter has never recognized such "allegations."

addition to the two Oscars she looked in your fireplace, managed paths nominations The tree of life, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Suddenly, Last Summer .
On February 27, served 79 years. Rest in peace, one of the myths most indelible of all the history of cinema.
In Scotty's Blog infornaciĆ³n more about Liz Taylor by clicking this link: Marked Woman / One woman marked .
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