: Comedy in nine millimeters:
was a stormy night and not because the storm had gone. Cyanide slept peacefully in his bed, dreaming of the beautiful Pacific and Japan and Singapore, Oman and India (I think in that order). And dreaming of the woman who told "But it arrived 10 minutes early to the all-important interview, but was 20 minutes late ..." , and also dreamed of tender-depravity through IM and text messages (Oh, the power of the written word ...).
At 3:00 a.m. Cyanide was suddenly awakened by a popping sound, sudden and very strong, from the ceiling with spatial location on the opposite side of the house. Cyanide froze, thinking that Attila and his Huns had decided to go back in time to steal their prized possessions ( which? Cleaner!! ). A few moments (I think there were a total of 6 seconds .. not .. my accountant is on vacation moments) heard of a cat running across the ceiling. Cyanide struggled to regain lost sleep, with eyes like two guavas nocturnal glowing on the barren darkness as the zombie movie more phosphorescent class B.
next day had to be at 8 am in beautiful St. Petersburg for occupation-forming, so to get up at about 6, I saw no one awake .. not even myself.
As Arsenic Dad met a couple of days (just two pairs of days), we decided to go to Provence (I stole from the palabrilla smoke) to test a well known restaurant. So we were in the car driving Arsenic Papa, Mama Strychnine, Belladonna and this server When I tell the interesting story that Belladonna climbed to the ceiling to investigate a strange hole they found most perfect in the room where the computer from which I write .. that odd ..
A Aji de Gallina, a chicha morada, and a strawberry-banana smoothie then return to his beloved Cyanide home with his family (who will not comment on his food .. well .. except Belladonna, the the chicken came out with too much flavor of "El Peje"), and devoted himself to the great task of investigating the aforementioned hole, perfectly oval geometry. So Cyanide rolled up and climbed to the roof (in my family have this strange fixation with trepamientos), and with a stick I got to see if the holes match and bla bla bla. Returning to the fourth question, and check the floor, I found a beautiful piece of LEAD copper colored. Belladonna insisted definitely had to report it, so arsenic and cyanide Dad went to OIJ to file a complaint, and promised that may reach the Eye Inspections that day. Well, actually promised only to cyanide, as the guard kindly explained that now only the complainant can go, because, you see, recently entered a complainant ball with all his people (aka train), and then came the counter-complainant with its own entourage, so imagine that all hell broke out there. Since then, the judge did not allow anyone to enter with the complainant, you see.
In order to make a long story that night, arrived on site inspections, and the whole family of cyanide was nervous and excited. Everyone was waiting to enter Grissom's CSI , and cordon off the entire area. So we got rid of explanations that they had to move the compu because you got the water hole, and that Dad had Arsenic have put the claim to be the owner of the house, and a long etcetera. Mom
Strychnine was disappointed not to see or a patrol, not a huge bag with very complete team. As for me almost cry of indignation to see the expert to collect the bullet ( of 9 mm caliber, that is, huge ) with his bare hands, and was about to remind the importance of wearing gloves to avoid affect "the evidence."
So at the end of the night, I write this, and everyone in my house todies give thanks that God wants Tata while not letting the ball do harm to none of the my family. Not only is the shock .. is knowing that death is a very singracia and "unfair" to die because of a stray bullet.
That this is another example of that you always have to be aware of his actions .. or you can do a lot a lot of damage ..