Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What Comes In A Box Of Ice Cream Inebrya Hair Dye


:: First "forecast?" ::

- How much are you gaining there?

- X
- Really? So expect to find a jam that pays you well?

- Diaye .. whether to start down, as is done .. no?
- No! Of course not! Mae .. You never leave a chute to earn less .. that rarest stick yours ..
- Do not understand .. personal stuff is

- I do not understand

(conversation dies)

After a media campaign internéc, cafes, conversation groups, among others, the Meteor Project started their march. ..

not think it is a matter unstoppable as the giant meatball Indiana Jones (I'm sure there are more elegant metaphor, but it serves)

There muuuchos fears, because this cyanide, even savage appearance of runaway is a loving and law enforcement structures and half manufactured things.

So the project in question is a rod to be breaking paradigms ("nice word .. I wonder what I mean), and have even more value to bungee jump .. that in itself almost fear I shit ..
is very clear that the staff is hard .. I have to convince others, but more importantly, myself.

As good ordenfĂ­lico (word mark) and Sagittarius bad, I gave the staff scheduling, and I know the specific date I will put my resignation, and they do not know what will happen when After one month's notice, I add again to the rank of the unemployed ..

Well did the song "If you want to make God laugh, CONTAL your plans" . Mae

God .. porfa .. I know it sounds like a joke .. but rather is serious .. but hey .. I'm sure you know ..

PS: the image is http://www.vladstudio.com/ is too good and has some tutorials wild!