Monday, January 21, 2008

Penis Check Female Doctor

and advanced technical features

cuadrillo Here you have a summary of the advanced technical features you expect ayudilla serve as the notes can be a little busy. Saludosss from Ceuta !!!!!

Chevolet Tahoe Body Change



-high-intensity cardiovascular exercise, healthy. "A little aggressive
joint level. Right
-technical implementation to avoid injury. 2 .-


- The most important class of CI
- 3000 pedaling per session.
- Incorrect execution leads to bad consequences.
- Elements of pedaling:
or cyclical element: repeated continuously throughout the session.
or lack of impact exercise: fluid motion, without interruption or Symmetric joint impact
: The pedal is a motor pattern of symmetry is very high (disputes, always start at 1 musical time with the same leg.)

NOTE: do not always begin with the same foot pedaling.

- Main elements:

or concentric muscle contractions, is based when muscle shortening is about the origin and insertion. Triangular
or in a single plane and involves the most important joints of the lower limbs in flexion and extension.

- pedaling rates: According

or execution speed:
§ In 1 times: 1 = 1 BIT pedaling, pedaling fast, not exceeding 130 rpm. §
Dual-time: half-pedal = 1 BIT between 60-90 rpm.
o According to the rider's position: Standing
§. §
or the distributions of the torque exerted. §
Round: maintain constant pedal force, as much as possible. §
Piston: Increases strength of decompensated form.

- Phases pedaling:

or drive.
or pressure.
or Repulsion.
or lifting. 3 .-

biomechanical analysis of the rider's position.


or taking an active role or Make Pelvis flexion or extension

stabilized or Gluteus maximus (+ intervention), medius and minimus -
drive or iliopsoas (hip flexion muscle), stretch more because it is overloaded.
or pedaling standing - Hip slightly behind the bottom bracket.
or gluteus minimus is responsible for stabilizing the hip.
o NOTE: If a person sitting boot is because not have adequate strength.

- Knee Joint
or more important.
or not to extend the knee at any time. Each
or pedaling cycle: flexion-extension.
pressure or phase: quadriceps.
or repulsion phase and elevation: femoral, semimembranosus, semitendinosus and popliteus (entire rear leg).
or saddle under: pain behind the knee.

- ANKLE Intervention
or less.
or in the lowest point, the tip slightly upward - position.
or In the beginning of 1 metatarsal put the creeks.

or Change positions frequently.
or low position not for long.
or not place the saddle nose upward. Do not force
or cervical area.
or lower body muscle: quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstring, gluteus.

or abdominal muscle or paravertebral lumbar muscle, helps stabilize pelvis and latissimus dorsi.
or MUSC. Erector head, cervical spine, extending charge column.

or flex at all times.
or should not be overstressed.
deltoid or pectoralis major and minor, act more intensity up.
posterior deltoid, subscapularis, infraspinatus, trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, stabilizing role.

or flexion-extension movement.
or slightly bent. 4 .-


- 3 sessions x week - 1-up work.
- Balancing the pelvic girdle, back (pressure), forward (repulsion).
- Upper body: much less involved. Exercises overall low number of charges repeats 12/15.
- Section media: lumbar and erector muscles are important work. Exercise column movement, elasticity and flexibility.
- Abdominal muscles: working very little.
- Lower body: Iliopsoas - meaningful participation.
- Work 1 time per week hamstring and groin. 12/15 long series of repetitions with moderate load.
- extensive internal and external imbalance of the quadriceps.
- quadriceps, gluteus and twin protagonists. Eg 12 reps moderate load series.

5 .- Exercises and advanced technical features

- Basic
- Hook (all positions).
- Attack - demurrage: high-intensity exercise. Control time.
- Triathlete - chrono: sitting forever.
- Position tree:
or erect: basic-hook. Inclination 30 °.
or Media: 45 º or so. Hook-attack.
or Low: 60 º.

- Advanced Elements:
or double climbing (mountain climbing) §
the beat double time.

§ § 65-80 rpm Standing and sitting. §
Hook, §
attack Trunk: straight, medium or low. Sitting §
any grip.
or climbing 1 time:
§ 90 rpm cadence. § 1
pedaling = 1 beat.

- Llano 1 time
or 110-130 rpm (not pass).

- Sprinter
or 110-130 rpm (not higher).
or never more than 20 seconds.

Heart Rate Monitor 1 (RECOVERY)
- < del 70%
- Lipolysis.
- Heat / back calm.
- Recovery complete.
- Panels.

ZONE 2 (moderate aerobic)
- Glycolysis.
- 70-80%
- Recoveries incomplete.
- Home of the intervals.
- Final heating.

ZONE 3 (intense aerobic)
- 80/90%.
- lactic acid production.
- Main part of the session.
- Phase load intervals.
- Glycolysis.
- Just below the anaerobic threshold.
- Major improvements in maximal aerobic capacity.

-> 90%.
- lactic acid buildup.
- high intensity intervals.
- Stay in this area for short periods (< 3´).
- maximal aerobic power.
- Only highly trained subjects with good physical condition.

7 .-

NUTRITION - Food: rice, vegetables, fruits, ...
- Food (process), as elaborated commitment.
- The nutrition and feeding processes are different.
- We must be aware of nutrition.
- Nutrition:
or Mastication: Process chemical (saliva), physical process + Quino.
or Nutrients HC, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals ...
or eg, a 150 kg are malnourished because they have eaten food (donuts, McDonalds, pastries, ...) and has not been properly nourished. It is because when you eat it gives a peak of insulin, which makes you feel good, but then drops and this will make you want to eat again.
or malnutrition: when the power is mostly fat.
or drink 2-2.5 l. of water a day. Carbohydrates
or pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cereals, legumes, ...
or Proteins: animal-derived fish, meat, eggs, milk, ...
or fats: oils, nuts, ...
or Vitamins and minerals: Fruit, vegetables ...


or HC: They provide energy, if not become worn fat. To burn fat, lower carbohydrate consumption. 3 meals. NOTE: For fat burning 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.
or Proto: Metabolism, amino acids, helps to build tissues.
or MINER and VIT: Help to renew the cells, tissues and for metabolic processes.
or LIPID: Help connecting cells, provide energy, help the joints.


1 .- BREAKFAST: Cereal (HC), ham, milk, cheese (PROT), oils, dry sulphides (LIPID), fruit, juice (VIT AND MIN). 2 .-
SNACK: Required to stay active - 1 piece fruit, nuts, ...
3 .- FOOD: 1 Rabbit (min / vit), 2 pasta, rice, boiled potatoes (HC), fish, meat, 3 º fruit. 4 .-
SNACK: Yogurt, idem 2 º. 5 .-
DINNER carbohydrate load.

- Ergogenic Aids
or provide energy. Ergo =
or energy. O
best ergogenic aids are
§ Nutrients: Carbohydrates and fats. §
Dietary Supplements:
· Creatine: Increases strength in 60/70%. Perform a load of 100 gr. in 5 days, 20 grams per day, 4 doses of 5 grams in the day, mixed with juice. 2 weeks to keep it 1 dose 5g per day of. Cash taking it 14-20 days and rest 5 / 6 months.
• L-Carnitine: Burn fat. Accompanied aerobic exercise. Effective: 1g-half hour before exercise.
· Fun Burner: Metabolic Accelerator. It makes you burn fat but not proven.
· Ephedrine / Synephrine: Bring the nervous system, increases your speed, strength, ... but it's bad for the heart, creates insomnia, ... NOT RECOMMENDED.

Calories In Pan Fried Haddock

Here we put the photo of the new coaches of level 2 FEDA of Granada. Arovechamos to thank each and aa one of them an esosdos fun weekends we spent together and much encouragement to keep going all !!!!! Saludossssss!!

Pinewood Derby Templates Boat

FEDA Sorry for the sloppiness

again guys!! Sorry for the neglect of the blog but for various reasons has been unable to maintain more or less a day page. Then begin to introduce new topics of interest. Receive many greetings hugs from us!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Shoestring Licorice In Calgary


: the unspeakable:

Yes, I know, I have no time to write ..

And I will not write much to say today .. hehe

just wanted to tell the virtual world (how well I was "welcome"), this Thursday is the decisive day I've been waiting for several years ... (No, rather it is several years, yes, that's better)

This Thursday defending my thesis!

So if you believe in God, Buddha, some higher force or Elvis, please pray for me, and in case of atheism, send your best mentally good vibes, or simply cross your fingers. .. anything goes ..

Thanks .. for now I have to keep correcting the presentation (I test last night with my profs .. I was right ..)

We speak soon
