This morning I had breakfast with a prominent headline in El País - The Vatican says that the pill causes pollution and male infertility - that reflexively, has warned all my defenses - "Does the Vatican? Again in this quagmire? Is it a thing of the Pope? Do not take the most important things to deal with, as the economic crisis or invasion of Gaza? "- but a flicker of hope has reminded me that it was the country where the undisputed quality information has not solved that irrational anti-clericalism tic appears to be part of the identity of the medium.
So, with some prevention, continue reading. Already in the intro is guessed that the Vatican's statement did not come from the Pope's statements, or an encyclical or pastoral letter, even nobody in the curia, but a modest article "English doctor Jose Maria Simon Castellvi." But before I had time to breathe easy - "the Country again! ..."- Never learn the journalist returns insistently the bottom of the holder:
The Vatican has once again lash out with contraceptive methods and ensures that the pill has devastating consequences for the environment and is one of the causes of male infertility ...And finally, since the middle of the text, I am able to mend the situation:
In an article published Saturday, the English José María Simón Castellvi, President of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC), said that oral contraceptives, commonly known as "the pill" may have an abortifacient and are devastating to the environment, as through urine released tons of hormones.Well, I'm more calm. But information is not a doctor, is not very fond of oral contraceptives in half Vatican. Seems biased and irrelevant. I guess this doctor will have taken an objective fact and you've been reviewing your site, incorporating its ideological harvest, a good dose of fear mongering - "a through urine hormone releasing tons ..."-.
And he wants the chance that the following means to me is office Trends 21, in which "strangely"-has long since stopped believing in coincidences, you see a headline that reminded me of the above information (go you know why): The pill can cause birth defects in wildlife . The brief article echoes the finding of researchers at the University of Idaho on serious genetic damage caused by the 17a-ethinyl estradiol, synthetic estrogen used in birth control pills and reaching nature through human urine, in the sort of rainbow trout.
already it is becoming clearer to me, but I preferred to go to the website of the University of Idaho, to establish their own version. And there, under a headline rather less apocalyptic than the Country - Flushing Toilets How Can Cause Genetic Defects in Wildlife - explained that several years ago that water was found contaminated with 17a-ethinylestradiol damaged trout populations rainbow, and now they had discovered the mechanisms of this action, which just published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . The trout that have come into contact with contaminated water may have trisomy, an abnormal number of chromosomes. This condition is frequently found in cancer cells, causes Down syndrome in humans and in the case of trout, produces a dramatic reduction in survival of embryos of this species, which rose from 95% in half, in waters contaminated.
James Nagler, director of research, explains that the 17a-ethinyl estradiol is very difficult to remove in the treatment plants, so that finally happens to the environment. Nagler added that this research opens the interest in many other synthetic estrogen, 17a-ethinylestradiol besides, found in detergents, pesticides and other products daily, and can affect animals that use contaminated water, including humans. So
behind the screaming headline " The Vatican says that the pill causes pollution and male infertility " lies a modest, almost eschatological wastewater How can cause birth defects in wildlife . This interests first amplified by the bias "anticontrol birth" of a physician and then by the anticlerical bias of the country. As an exercise of toxicity information, is not bad.