:: the next day ... ::
I do not like talking about politics. I try to avoid talking about issues that do not know, and I must admit that politics does not interest me.
I've heard things like "clear, do not care about the future of your country" .. I am interested .. so I'm not interested in politics or politicians.
NAFTA did not write anything and I showed up for blogging because it was already saturated with information. Many of them false , but information itself.
I voted not due to personal reasons, and certain convictions not discuss because they are relevant. I only know that on October 8, Monday, the atmosphere was quite heavy and gloomy, several people were heartbroken and sad and the pouring rain did not help anything. Others were, and still are, outraged, angry, disappointed.
Monday was a defeat for 48% of voters in a country ... but maybe in the end lose all.
I have fear. Fear of what will happen. Than we are to remove, or steal, or cheat. Fear of being struck by economic apocalypse or social or ecological, or otherwise. Fear of being charged a blank check (as I heard say several people).
say that things will improve a lot .. but I have fear of being lied to .. again .. as they have done in a while .. not whether the glass is half full or half empty, or if there is a storm in a glass of water.
hope I'm wrong. I hope we are proven wrong with our fears. But fear has been a constant .. and to have been written ...
live in a country of two letters: Yes or No. .. appear to "decide" the Yes I say "decided" because they support the first-person plural in this case, because the verb can decide including some or much duress.
suppose a sane person, with feet on the ground, say that is time to fight together without divisions, to take this country forward. guess this person would have reason .. but I can not guarantee that I will be that person.
But keep hope .. is nice (rather than beautiful, amazing) to see so many ticos organized by something you BELIEVE .. see how they met, they argued, were reported, they marched they chanted. Do not lose that. Let us not fight ..
As someone very wise said
"Let the pessimism for better times"
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