Monday, December 24, 2007

Stomach Bug Vancouver Symptoms

PISA: the "big brother" of the OECD

"has a much more dangerous than a wicked ass!" concludes with a severe passion Perez Reverte article in Country Weekly where ruthlessly attacking politicians, educators and all those who had on their "hands infamous public education in the last twenty or thirty years ." His critics, not without demagogy, it strikes with the stupidity of those who have removed from the classroom " intelligent analysis, the ability to read and therefore understand the world, including science ." But above all focus-and this I fully share your opinion, in the incomprehensible arrogance policy makers, stupid complacency and utter lack of self-criticism. They gave the reason

Perez Reverte MEC speakers who, last Wednesday 19, at the official presentation of the results of PISA, struggled mightily to find lateral readings relativize, if not overshadowed, the disastrous results of the report. Boasted of good data for Spain because, they said, if our country to bring you the socioeconomic differential has with the rest of the OECD, the test results would be slightly above average. Beautiful Utopia! In addition, tucked in his role as "clear" of the administration's achievements abounded in recent years, insisting that public education in Spain was too young to ask excellence existed only democracy.

approaches such superficial view and understand, share-the monumental tantrum Perez Reverte, because it is not tolerable to justify all the inefficiencies of our educational system with the coarse sambenito of "historical backwardness." In fact, pre-school LOGSE selective and exclusive, guaranteed a higher level of excellence, but not for me to praise him and revalidation revenue system, in which only a small selected group of students could progress prematurely. What merit is academic success in a system that only works with the most able? Apparently there was no failure, because the less bright students had been previously excluded.

The LOGSE comprehensive school was an achievement unprecedented social, but its implementation has been difficult and its amendments and adjustments require a thorough analysis and realistic international reports such as PISA. His threats are both from Booby paid to all-time past was better "and the mediocre political opportunism and other" pedabobos "bent on cooking the objective data to hide under favorable statistics.

is a pity that the blind obstinacy of some and the other from doing a positive reading of the report. And yet, there is, as evidenced by Andreas Schleicher, head of Pisa, in the same forum. Schleicher gave many clues for improvement, which passed by the personal service, by creating expectations of success in students, their families and in schools, and taking real responsibility - " is different than autonomy "- on schools. But Schleicher presentation highlighted the existence of a large gap between our model and PISA. I do not speak of a gap in the educational purposes, but in something as basic as the concept of effort and responsibility.

is a cultural problem that transcends politics and ideologies. In fact, it is curious that the only point of agreement between the popular and socialist LOCE LOE is the claim of the "culture of effort", understood by all as student effort, as a basis of educational improvement. However, Schleicher offered divergent and unexpected approach. Yes to the culture of effort and went on to say, but understood as the effort of every teacher, every school and the system itself to ensure that students progress. That is, the primary responsibility rests not with the student, as many claim, but the teacher and the school.

In the same vein, yesterday I was struck by a teacher, member of STES, with a masterful commentary:
"If you want to see how it improves public education, and without spending a single euro more, requires teachers to spend really in the center 35 hours a week, not just the hours that they have to teach. "

not sounds crazy, but I doubt that dares to hold this same view in the union. What government would dare to require something? Cooking is easier to follow data and statistics tangle.


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