Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Washing Machine Drain 55 Gal

Books, love and unforgivable betrayal

In a hyper library where the works are arranged in linear and vegetables, dairy products and cleaning supplies, it is difficult to hit upon the selection of a book. To make matters worse, the plastic shrink it preserves the handling by fingers that come from the frozen fruit and leaves little room for an initial tasting. So one should be guided by external attributes, especially for the cover. Any anything is better than asking the employee, who observes the linear replacement glasses, such as those used in the bakery. "This is the most sold, is able to extract maximum information.

"... the act was not consummated in the hyper, even when they get home. It was not until that special moment of absolute intimacy, to uncork the wine, take the book and let it unleash the emotions. "

So is the cover-with all its attributes, of course, responsible love at first sight. After the crush gently hold the book in your hands with some excitement, as if trying to anticipate the moments of joy that we bring. And since then the book becomes a special object. We'll put it in a protected area of \u200b\u200bthe car-usually designed to carry the babies, safe from vegetables, fish and detergent at checkout, will devote a single bag for him, bringing it to the category of parenting also just purchased.

But the act was not consummated in the hyper, even when they get home. We must wait for that special moment of absolute intimacy, to uncork the wine, take the book and let the emotions are unleashed. Tachycardia, withdraw the retractable-sometimes rather harshly, overcome by impatience embrace the issue and look eagerly slid between its covers. Few experiences are as gratifying as a good coated petting and even smell inside. And even more when we look through each character, every line, every chapter, and our minds merge with the work that magic only provides reading.

But the threshold of ecstasy is often a call for disaster, compounded by fraud to our expectations, previously reinforced the checkout. You open the book and find a bad editing and even worse, a banal story, and you drop out of hand. Some people trying to save the furniture requires a reading routine, as one imposing one hundred sit-ups every morning, but I prefer to close page and forget the failure as soon as possible. There are too many good works by discovering how to lose precious time in the wrong book. And

book is to choose a hypermarket is as risky as meeting a girl in a night of drinking. Under loud music conversations are reduced to broken voices and shouts commands. The communication is based on the gestural and physical touch. I hooked the external appearance, cover girl, but no way to penetrate his soul, hence the risk in the election. A few days after her stay in a quiet terrace, explore and discover excited inside, shocked, that nothing, it was all facade.

course not easy to get into the inside of a person who has been dazzled by their outward appearance, Don José Ortega said, overall, that "in an extraordinarily beautiful woman, a tourist feel, instead of loving" - because knowing the inside requires long time for conversation, reading slowly, to recreate and reinvent history together. So when years ago there appeared the Internet chats, I thought it would be ideal tools for the crush. In those initial chats, without the possibility of seeing the other, you could only witness inside. And he managed to find someone honest would be guaranteed a privileged access his soul, not the deceptive illusions of the physical. So I ventured that crushes via chat would be more profound and longer lasting than usual. Once locked inside the other is easy to assume his appearance, become mere container for a treasure. So what if the book is ugly if your story is unique?

not know if this is certainly true, but at least there is a very recent history corroborating a true story. Amy Taylor, 28, met David Pollard, 40, through a chat. They fell in love and decided to marry, first with their avatars in Second Life, and then in a real court. Although reality -Two very obese, modest-economic background had nothing to do with their athletic and rich avatar, prevailed hook inside the front cover. But what is unacceptable is that Amy caught her husband, her avatar, rather, with a virtual prostitute in Second Life and, later, flirting with other female avatars. Amy felt so betrayed that he did not hesitate to ask for divorce. And with good reason. One thing is a point slip in the real world, governed by the physical, and quite another to fool around with the interior. If the virtual is physically stronger than when falling in love, should also be more demanding when it comes to fidelity.

While it would be hard to know that your partner has had an affair with a "boy" at a bachelorette party, would be unbearable to share with another emotion to penetrate his soul, obviously a virtual space. If she let a stranger read pages that only opened to you would be an unforgivable betrayal.

Un Nuovo Amore Lyrics What Do They Mean

Closing the Science Fair, or the parrot chocolate budget of the CM

"Like the old joke, we have two stories, good and bad." So began an email from Jose Gonzalez, director of the Science Fair, to communicate to the tenth Fair is not going to hold, apparently for budgetary reasons. The good news was that the jury had Science in Action 2008 awarded, unanimously, the Special Jury Prize, the English Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) Initiative of the Fair, because it involves "the bringing science to the public and the dissemination of scientific culture and the participation of students, teachers and researchers in science communication. "The jury also said the" pioneering "of the show and praised his" openness to initiatives from scientific societies, universities, research centers and secondary schools, main actors in the communication of science and technology. "

Organizers Science Fair next to the diploma FECYT Award. José González is on the other side of the camera.

The award given amplified, if anything, the grim news of the closure. Since it was launched in 2000, the Science Fair has proved possible to bring science to ordinary people, involving them also in the work of scientists. Long queues at the entrance to the IFEMA pavilions are a clear demonstration that science interests of all when there is an open, interactive and intelligent. That has been the main achievement of nine years of intense massive history of the fair, participatory, unusual, in his last year received over 150,000 visitors, mostly children, teachers and families.

may seem paradoxical that excessive interest in science in a country with dire results on international tests. But it is, the citizen has an interest in science, a phenomenon that directly impacts your life, but needs bridges that facilitate access, to translate the cryptic language, that catching the thrill of discovery. The Science Fair was for nine years, the direct bridge to knowledge, but keep lying requires minimal involvement on the part of politicians and, to our dismay, the science is completely out of the shortness of their schemes.
This explains how, about to celebrate its tenth conference, the Community of Madrid has decided to end this special event. The excuse of the crisis has little weight when it is known that the mere act of opening theaters Canal, which was not attended or municipal authorities, was a cost equivalent to half the budget of the Fair. And very little money just to channel the energy supplied by schools that have spent months preparing for their participation. In fact, the first calls were extremely austere and however, fulfilled their duties. No, not a question of budget, but disinterest. Well, the war stories of power between politicians, with its collateral damage. Do not forget that the show was born with a serious "original sin" of being called by the Ministry of Research and Education not for - "Do not participating schools? For the love for me ..."- So it was a success for China's citizens was a shoe in for the injured Advisor on duty. And most successful, the more grief. So the end of the fair would come to resolve grievances and to make peace between our heroes, they can be reinstalled in its habitual destitution. What stress, so many people interested in science!
not the successes, or the prize awarded, or even the illusion of colleges, universities and research centers to continue, has prevented the absurd end. In fact, there schools that have spent months preparing for its participation in view of the X Feria, a consolidated activity had already been integrated into the annual program. The call in BOCM has not been removed, so there will be a virtual presentation to keep up appearances without compromising sustained over our politicians.
How are we going to take off in science and technology managers so myopic? We have, without doubt, the science that we deserve, the only compatible with the scarcity of view of those who govern us. And when the media fan the results next international science tests will comfort us to criticize our educational system, while they remain locked in political entanglements inane sterile.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Water Exercises With Spondylothesis

Sense seven months after the meteorite

: I have no defense, Judge:

The Meteor was delayed.

Snuff I talked to wanted to put on the notice, and he recommended it until then to take the money from the settlement. So I decided to ignore it.

have recently been fully heard the songs of Voices Choir the Sense that I speak of patience, and how things can get very very difficult, and that any solution should consider more "mature" for my predicament, and how the money does not grow on trees, and how life is tough out there.

good I have no prepared speech.

only know that many times more I learned, has been when I jumped into deep (whether literal and the bungee, or worse, as other )

New date is the anniversary of the abolition of the army

So it seemed more appropriate to call the meteorite ... Abolition

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What Comes In A Box Of Ice Cream Inebrya Hair Dye


:: First "forecast?" ::

- How much are you gaining there?

- X
- Really? So expect to find a jam that pays you well?

- Diaye .. whether to start down, as is done .. no?
- No! Of course not! Mae .. You never leave a chute to earn less .. that rarest stick yours ..
- Do not understand .. personal stuff is

- I do not understand

(conversation dies)

After a media campaign internéc, cafes, conversation groups, among others, the Meteor Project started their march. ..

not think it is a matter unstoppable as the giant meatball Indiana Jones (I'm sure there are more elegant metaphor, but it serves)

There muuuchos fears, because this cyanide, even savage appearance of runaway is a loving and law enforcement structures and half manufactured things.

So the project in question is a rod to be breaking paradigms ("nice word .. I wonder what I mean), and have even more value to bungee jump .. that in itself almost fear I shit ..
is very clear that the staff is hard .. I have to convince others, but more importantly, myself.

As good ordenfílico (word mark) and Sagittarius bad, I gave the staff scheduling, and I know the specific date I will put my resignation, and they do not know what will happen when After one month's notice, I add again to the rank of the unemployed ..

Well did the song "If you want to make God laugh, CONTAL your plans" . Mae

God .. porfa .. I know it sounds like a joke .. but rather is serious .. but hey .. I'm sure you know ..

PS: the image is is too good and has some tutorials wild!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Scar Removal For White Scars

: a recipe for disaster:

I think the conflict is the driving force of change.

The problem is how we deal with conflict.

Personally, I love denial. It is fascinating the sheer variety of subtle forms of denial. The false patience that only "procrastination". Blatant procrastination. The thousands of other things that we need to address before. Place here the "etc." of preference.

For my part, I left out the obvious, and I believe (or rather, tried to convince) that this path is my path. But I've always known that it is not. And so it is time to do something about it.

I admit. I do not know what I want.
But at least I know what you DO NOT want.
So although I have not raised anything very elaborate, here's what I call the "Meteor Project."

This plan is to disarm life, freak out, disorganized, totally, to grab the pieces and return to place, but this time on how to make me happier.
consists of few steps:

1) Get a job that does not require car (currently I'm using my family's)
2) become independent, and go live on my own (why I have no money to pay rent and cart fees)
3) Find what to study (I draw the attention of advertising, graphic design and decoration interiors).

And why "Meteor"?. That came from a conversation with a friend.

I can not pretend that the heavens open and display the solution to my "crisis" of magic and deus ex machine, as one expects a meteor falling from the sky to change things. The change must come from within. I have to go to catch a meteorite, go find him, like going to buy chiverre (with everything and so much and pass a key to see how they are). I turn to find a meteorite, and I pull down in order to cause the big big change. The point of "before" and "after."

uphill is a story, but I have to.
'm joining the forces necessary to do so. I hope to find.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Potterton Performa 28 Boiler Manul


: unprofessional profile::

This post I started to write for several months, it is a cumulative x-ray, for so to speak, so it is still incomplete, but at least there it goes ..

I decided that this was the name that best suits my co-worker with I sometimes have to go on tour from coast to coast of Costa Rica.

His skin color really reminds the dry snuff.

Its texture is thin, as it were, cigarromórfica.

His taste for cigars is legendary .. I decided not to continue to count how many cigarettes you can smoke in a day .. I know it can only get two packs.

to Snuff It has already had large positions in smaller or larger companies. But decided that he wanted to keep sweating and bleeding for profit and gain of others. He traveled a lot but did not enjoy it .. was just going to meetings in the plane, and then lost romance trip. Snuff has a son who devotes part of his time, and much of his salary. Snuff does not win badly, but it is obvious that someone of his caliber professional could have a better wage, better job, a better car (I do not mean a final model, but one that will not hurt much with the busy sea-crossings to-coast). Snuff

has sacrificed many years of his life for the benefit of such an enterprise, and then another company such. Snuff
has gone from San Jose to Guápiles round, and the day goes to San Carlos, with many hours buttock, and nobody appreciates how painful and comprehensive can be. Snuff

took a tough race and has a great strain on the company. Snuff
not sleep well, and now his body has begun to suffer the consequences of stress, physical and mental, of bad habits.
Snuff is tired of open roads and markets, and others to stay with the credit. Tired of going back and forth just because, and to claim the per diem or hotel bill where it appears that he took his girlfriend (because a four-day trip all alone is tantalizingly maddening at times). Snuff
not to say the words, because he is afraid that by pronouncing them, or at least accept, he burst his mouth, and the sound of those words will shatter the world. Snuff

not happy. But do not tell. Snuff
want to go next Friday and not return. But it postponed to all this coming Friday.

One day my boss called me into his office and told me to see much future in the company, as Snuff, and I saw the company grow.
And I know that in one way or another, the only way to grow for me would become another Snuff.
And that's not what I want.

And then began to move some gear, if God willing, will bring meteorites, but the question of meteorites is for another time, I promise will be soon.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sharking W0men Clothes

:: all for one ... ::

, the history began even before me, as often happens (the initials AC and DC do not mean "before cyanide" or "after cyanide ... I'm not a very important reference point .. yet).

apart was seen at three, but not knowing they were part of a triad .. on the screen of my computer only saw about three different worlds that I drew from the tedium of sportsbook calls at that time .. just when cyanide was forming.

So Good Friday three of them decided to give him the chance to know this deadly, and climb to the third floor of the honorable lechon (the reference to pork rinds on Good Friday is not a coincidence) ... and so the story took shape with the THREE ...

A loooong had me patience with my little evidence about reading your blog. We are very very different, and I think in normal conditions of life not virtual, we would not have known. I admire their feet on the ground (because although sirenoide not stop them) and their lack of fear of conflict .. that it seems almost like you! hahaha. This is the third, the terrible atropos that loves to run with scissors, but that measures very well the risks.

The second is faced little girl, but very very female mind. Decided to follow his passion for colors, on a par with his career with the antics, and all very much welcome having such courage (because in these times, escasiiiiiisima Valente is a virtue.) I can play with her words and share the vicissitudes of age and I start doing old (though still leaving their crisis ..). She is the laquesis , which measures the life of one side or the other, he makes the juice each step, you have the time and patience to get smiles on forests and turn everything into seeds.

And the other, has been kind enough to open their doors wide. I refer to the patio, the living room, kitchen, the refrigerator, cabinet where he keeps his Chai tea that manages to round the corners to life when the reality is very tricky to swallow. Has a cat that used to de-stress and to relieve all the love in the world, and hands full of mud and blocks to rebuild worlds and hearts. And a half old and half Inge Swiss knife .. She touches make Clotho, starting with thousands of skeins skilled craftsmen for create new worlds and laptops.

one thing and another, as has happened a couple of cats, a cashew, horrible operations in the abdomen, more cowardly, a couple of brave valientiiiisimos much red wine, a wedding, many outings, trips to Central America, some crisis, friends with branches and roots, a couple of cats, and so delicious.

not think this is a trip down memory lane .. it's just that life is a wind, and has a nasty habit of taking us to different places to each ... one we are going to the north nortísimo to write a new chapter in his life, against all odds, holding the hand of its delightful willpower. The other is us go to a not so distant north, away from some scene of 7-Monday-to-the-week and do their little business on the sidewalk tropical ...

We were both with the heart for a bit claustrophobic ... but knowing that the three remain so, even with different time zones, tickets, bridges to tempisque a bubble already sold, and a house that we will not be back for coffee ...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Forgot My Combination To My Casehard

three weeks Republik

: sulfucolaboracion:

A dear friend, Sulfur whose name will , sent me this information about a bar that is not where it is, and I do not think I want to know ...

transcribe here say, because I believe that if the blame is not going to get that feeling ... hmmm .. How do you say? ... "Dissatisfaction"

---------------- ---------------- transmission start

Suggestions for new owner Republik Bar

(which have not yet gone, read it and grab his sack pa):

1) Do not be so entucador is playing that is a very cool bar to charge what they charge and is not as cool, beautiful yes, but not to collect 4 red input without even the entitled to a little Vaseline to withstand better the fuck is beating down ... because Miss ticket (not to use a less elegant adjective) said the entry was worth a shot, turned out to be valid only for the shot Republik (a crappy shot ... tastes like fruit juice mixed ... and I hate the juice)

2) Do not say you have 5 rooms ... it definitely does not know he referred to the concept of environments. Each room should have different music, and a different space ... not in a corner because the decor is white and the other is blue and one red and one green and (?????) VIP black ... if it is a question, go to Castros, then that concept better handle you.

3) Since 4mil will collect input and 1500 x a beer, at least not let them in to old folks, or the pile of poles that let them in ... decides, he will play elitist bar or going to be a new branch of Chavelona!

4) Put air conditioning or fan look and see how that gap ... or outside the label type: Bar and Sauna

5) Decide whether to be a chikichiki or electronic bar because it is a desmatiz electronic one is dancing around Tuanis and suddenly make a pig CHANGE a red skirt and then topped with reggaeton (do not know how to spell). WTF?!

Ah, after all you have to pay parking 2 red! and the parking lot looks like a motocross track, where if you're not going to 1km / h *** m is the car.

Sum: Parking: 2000 colones
Entry: 4000 colones
2 beers: 3000 colones

Power tell the people that there really is not worth it, is priceless

end transmission ----- ---------------- -----------

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Register Ovulation Calendar 1.0


Very good!! We inform all / as our visitors on May 31 will be a piece of ciclobithon in Granada, in exactly the Armilla Exhibition Center. There will be live music with a DJ playing music of all styles!! I hope to enjoy this pedagogical of ciclobithon !!!!! Remember that there are only 100 seats, for more information on granada.Saludossss FEDA!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Heart Palpitations Milk Thistle

THE ashes

: many welcome changes:

dear and 3 have written Mayor Week .. more than holy, is enormous .. full of expectations, a cart, a forest title, a change in marital status in the department of smoke, and an end to a career laaaaaaarga (see here and here.)

Already after much has been written, and the whirl of a week is getting bigger and "more better" is better then not write about anything and sit back and enjoy the sweetness of these good times.

only face the future holds this week, and that the future is wide open like a wound not only as a groove ..

Bring on the good seed, good promises, the best things ...

That seems that good things are just beginning ..


Monday, April 7, 2008

Vein Clinics Of America Scam

Very good! We want to inform all visitors of the blog will soon publish an article on ergonomics in the Indoor Cycle, specifically on the setting and position on the bike. This study we have highlighted in ANSER GYM Ceuta. queremosdar here to thank all students who participated!! Saludosss!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Best Place To Get Eyebrows Done In Louisville


agadecer First of all we want from here to all our students and ANSER gym owner, for having provided all to perform our study on heart rate, positioning and adjustment of the bicycle. Without further say that we hope you have a good time in class and enjoy the best of our classes. Thank you very much for everything!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Progression Of Inoperable Glioblastoma Multiforme

: Open stories:

Alanis Morissette has a song called "Unsent" (supossed disk Former Infatuation Junkie) which is a series of messages, or crankcase, your ex-boyfriend (do not know if all, or only the most significant).

I remember this song because many Sometimes we say words without those people whose paths intersected with ours for a while (sometimes long, but in my case, always short). I think about the last non-story, where the Jerk coward disguised , leaving clothing and disheveled cyanide (which is much better than undressed and excited, I do not deny it).

I also start thinking about my ex (chronologically speaking, the most recent case), who took a coffee super friendly without second or third intentions .. my ex who never got key name, but with its level of importance. And because I finished, there are always ashes of survivor guilt.

not want to return: I have already discussed the intricacies of my "nostalgia" and roam more lust and romance that no stamina.
It's just that there are so many stories of people who hit us, or we hit, and we were left without saying the words we occupied ...

"where there was fire, ashes remain" ... but you can not do anything with the ashes ..

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Office Headwelcome Letteroffice

two months

: shameless letter:


I have two months of not writing, and I've noticed several things:

- write when I feel like , and visit blogs when I feel like (it more of a mantra to myself that a Berriche, I assure you)

- write to write, and not to be read (This mantra is much more difficult)

- unapologetic for any of the above ( that it is a tantrum)

Finally .. in these months because I could and defend thesis, and I was very very good. I thank those who wished me the best, and those who sent me good vibes all possible. Now I am graduated ... hehehe .. well .. only missing piece of cardboard (piece of paper rather, because I think the title is now printed on bond paper ..). I'm still working on the same site, which has allowed me to travel within Tiquicia from beginning to end .. labor issues, so it's not like I pass me scratching my belly on tour (but in the office .. hehehe)

My heart was alert coastal puchuguis, but it seems that the hurricane in question was Paquitaceas the family, so no .. there was no storm, and I was waiting with the umbrella and open arms ... no way .. I guess there to wait another hurricane forecasts .. but for now I think we're in a drought ...

So good, life is good .. I'm not complaining .. there are always things to improve, but I press ..

I guess we speak .... then .. Sincerely



Sunday, March 9, 2008

Poisoning In Dogsshampoo

Back to the cave

Look I'm sorry. In my previous post unconditionally praised what I interpreted as a return to sanity (or objectivity, perhaps) of a medium such as ABC in connection with CLD, but unfortunately today's editorial in this newspaper takes the boring mantra always visceral and scurfy. I'm not regular reader of ABC, but I have followed with sympathy the trip downtown with so much effort undertook the previous director, José Antonio Zarzalejos, that although it was a big loss of readers, it also generated a net gain in terms of journalistic ethics , information quality and credibility. Does

editorial in ABC or mere opportunism? Why can not believe that the editorial a few days ago stated that "if something fails education in Spain, above even the content learning is the transmission civic and moral values \u200b\u200b, charge now against a course which aims to train those same values. Surprised that the editorial today welcomes the announcement of "exemption of the subject [EPC] to all objectors in the Community of Madrid, and which states, without shame, that" Madrid schoolchildren are to get rid of this ideological indoctrination. "

To make matters worse, the editorial applauds unconditionally recent Court of Justice of Andalusia -" charged are reasonable and legal sense "- that was the reason some parents objectors . But give this information isolated, with a strong bias, and omission, amazing, two very important events. First, before sentencing occurred TSJA the other, the last in Asturias, in the opposite direction. Second, TSJA Case has a lot of discomfort in areas of law, both in the courtroom as the Supreme Andalusian. Why? On the one hand, it has issued a ruling on the objection to EPC without submitting to the full Board, as would correspond to an issue of such social impact. Furthermore, the rapporteur of the Judgement of TSJA is precisely the son of the honorary president of Family Forum, an organization that has spearheaded the movement of objection against EpC and, moreover, has provided free legal support to parents objectors. Did not notice a smell of decay?

justice must not only be honest, but also, it seems. Apart from the legal validity of the judicial decision TSJA, I can not discuss, it is doubtful that this failure had occurred in the case of a challenge, more than justified, the rapporteur, or reasonable step for the full. That is, the vaunted award has not cleaned wheat, or it seems. Its success is based on the failure of the basic controls of the prosecution and tainted as it is, should not establish jurisprudence, lacking, in my opinion, of sufficient ethical authority.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dolls From The 197o's

The necessary transmission of civic and moral values \u200b\u200bin school

The editorial " More classroom violence," published by ABC on Thursday, recalled some recent developments " show once again the dramatic atmosphere of tension and violence in which hundreds of thousands unfold children in English classrooms "and sends a clear message of warning against these facts.

not be surprising if it were not raised as a solution, which, despite being obvious, has been consistently rejected by the most conservative sectors, including those that traditionally have been part of your target audience: " violent harassment classmates, threats to teachers or simply "fun" to display aggression through mobile phones and the internet are clear proof that if something goes wrong in education in Spain, ahead even of learning content is transmission of civic and moral values. "

The school as a transmitter of civic and moral values! Was not the moral to the more conservative-exclusive patrimony of the family? Do not denouncing the moral training in school as something so abhorrent as to warrant the adoption of extreme measures, such as conscientious objection? It seems

they had to wait a brutal beating of a teenage girl dead and a threat to a teacher to open some eyes. Too bad, but congratulations to awaken to reality. Our society has, today, the greatest diversity of its history, and without a framework of common values, ethics minimum, it is easy for some adolescents desnortados end up sliding down the paths of violence and contempt for the different.

The reality is that we are a pluralistic society, racially mixed and diverse, which should provide an ethical space for private morality, transmitted mainly by the family, can develop without hindrance to the limits imposed by this ethical framework, and not be other to those reported by Human Rights.

are pathetically naive, malicious, perhaps, who demand that the school is not involved in the moral, because it is the preserve of families. If so, would have to tolerate the moral training very different from the parent, for example, the education they offer families with moral Nazi-based contempt for those who feel inferior, or of those who educate their children on racism, sexism or xenophobia, or those who defend the ablation because it is part of their culture and moral aceoptable in private. No, you have to teach these children that these behaviors are not tolerated in our society, while taught, built and supported from his family because they are incompatible with the Declaration of Human Rights.

But how can a child know that common ethical framework, Human Rights, which sets limits to all private morality, including transmitted within the family? Well I can not imagine another way that the school as, indeed, has ever happened. Yes, the school must be the guarantor of the whole child education with the involvement of families, of course, not a mere instrument of instruction. This obvious conclusion was reached when the ABC editorial calls for urgent action to " prevent impoverishment and deterioration even greater school community, "and when required, in addition," a real deal of state in education and not many good words and demagoguery. "

course! It is imperative that politicians of all political stripes, families trying to preserve their children in schools, bunker, cave pundits, columnists, editors and other opinion makers, discover the critical role of teachers in the education of the children and unconditional support that role. That solution is called EPC-Civic Ethics and Cross-cutting issues is a technical matter which should settle the experts. But every society, in unison, should enhance the educational role of school as the main integrator of diversity in a pluralistic society like ours. Either we continue to regret ...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Penis Check Female Doctor

and advanced technical features

cuadrillo Here you have a summary of the advanced technical features you expect ayudilla serve as the notes can be a little busy. Saludosss from Ceuta !!!!!

Chevolet Tahoe Body Change



-high-intensity cardiovascular exercise, healthy. "A little aggressive
joint level. Right
-technical implementation to avoid injury. 2 .-


- The most important class of CI
- 3000 pedaling per session.
- Incorrect execution leads to bad consequences.
- Elements of pedaling:
or cyclical element: repeated continuously throughout the session.
or lack of impact exercise: fluid motion, without interruption or Symmetric joint impact
: The pedal is a motor pattern of symmetry is very high (disputes, always start at 1 musical time with the same leg.)

NOTE: do not always begin with the same foot pedaling.

- Main elements:

or concentric muscle contractions, is based when muscle shortening is about the origin and insertion. Triangular
or in a single plane and involves the most important joints of the lower limbs in flexion and extension.

- pedaling rates: According

or execution speed:
§ In 1 times: 1 = 1 BIT pedaling, pedaling fast, not exceeding 130 rpm. §
Dual-time: half-pedal = 1 BIT between 60-90 rpm.
o According to the rider's position: Standing
§. §
or the distributions of the torque exerted. §
Round: maintain constant pedal force, as much as possible. §
Piston: Increases strength of decompensated form.

- Phases pedaling:

or drive.
or pressure.
or Repulsion.
or lifting. 3 .-

biomechanical analysis of the rider's position.


or taking an active role or Make Pelvis flexion or extension

stabilized or Gluteus maximus (+ intervention), medius and minimus -
drive or iliopsoas (hip flexion muscle), stretch more because it is overloaded.
or pedaling standing - Hip slightly behind the bottom bracket.
or gluteus minimus is responsible for stabilizing the hip.
o NOTE: If a person sitting boot is because not have adequate strength.

- Knee Joint
or more important.
or not to extend the knee at any time. Each
or pedaling cycle: flexion-extension.
pressure or phase: quadriceps.
or repulsion phase and elevation: femoral, semimembranosus, semitendinosus and popliteus (entire rear leg).
or saddle under: pain behind the knee.

- ANKLE Intervention
or less.
or in the lowest point, the tip slightly upward - position.
or In the beginning of 1 metatarsal put the creeks.

or Change positions frequently.
or low position not for long.
or not place the saddle nose upward. Do not force
or cervical area.
or lower body muscle: quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstring, gluteus.

or abdominal muscle or paravertebral lumbar muscle, helps stabilize pelvis and latissimus dorsi.
or MUSC. Erector head, cervical spine, extending charge column.

or flex at all times.
or should not be overstressed.
deltoid or pectoralis major and minor, act more intensity up.
posterior deltoid, subscapularis, infraspinatus, trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, stabilizing role.

or flexion-extension movement.
or slightly bent. 4 .-


- 3 sessions x week - 1-up work.
- Balancing the pelvic girdle, back (pressure), forward (repulsion).
- Upper body: much less involved. Exercises overall low number of charges repeats 12/15.
- Section media: lumbar and erector muscles are important work. Exercise column movement, elasticity and flexibility.
- Abdominal muscles: working very little.
- Lower body: Iliopsoas - meaningful participation.
- Work 1 time per week hamstring and groin. 12/15 long series of repetitions with moderate load.
- extensive internal and external imbalance of the quadriceps.
- quadriceps, gluteus and twin protagonists. Eg 12 reps moderate load series.

5 .- Exercises and advanced technical features

- Basic
- Hook (all positions).
- Attack - demurrage: high-intensity exercise. Control time.
- Triathlete - chrono: sitting forever.
- Position tree:
or erect: basic-hook. Inclination 30 °.
or Media: 45 º or so. Hook-attack.
or Low: 60 º.

- Advanced Elements:
or double climbing (mountain climbing) §
the beat double time.

§ § 65-80 rpm Standing and sitting. §
Hook, §
attack Trunk: straight, medium or low. Sitting §
any grip.
or climbing 1 time:
§ 90 rpm cadence. § 1
pedaling = 1 beat.

- Llano 1 time
or 110-130 rpm (not pass).

- Sprinter
or 110-130 rpm (not higher).
or never more than 20 seconds.

Heart Rate Monitor 1 (RECOVERY)
- < del 70%
- Lipolysis.
- Heat / back calm.
- Recovery complete.
- Panels.

ZONE 2 (moderate aerobic)
- Glycolysis.
- 70-80%
- Recoveries incomplete.
- Home of the intervals.
- Final heating.

ZONE 3 (intense aerobic)
- 80/90%.
- lactic acid production.
- Main part of the session.
- Phase load intervals.
- Glycolysis.
- Just below the anaerobic threshold.
- Major improvements in maximal aerobic capacity.

-> 90%.
- lactic acid buildup.
- high intensity intervals.
- Stay in this area for short periods (< 3´).
- maximal aerobic power.
- Only highly trained subjects with good physical condition.

7 .-

NUTRITION - Food: rice, vegetables, fruits, ...
- Food (process), as elaborated commitment.
- The nutrition and feeding processes are different.
- We must be aware of nutrition.
- Nutrition:
or Mastication: Process chemical (saliva), physical process + Quino.
or Nutrients HC, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals ...
or eg, a 150 kg are malnourished because they have eaten food (donuts, McDonalds, pastries, ...) and has not been properly nourished. It is because when you eat it gives a peak of insulin, which makes you feel good, but then drops and this will make you want to eat again.
or malnutrition: when the power is mostly fat.
or drink 2-2.5 l. of water a day. Carbohydrates
or pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cereals, legumes, ...
or Proteins: animal-derived fish, meat, eggs, milk, ...
or fats: oils, nuts, ...
or Vitamins and minerals: Fruit, vegetables ...


or HC: They provide energy, if not become worn fat. To burn fat, lower carbohydrate consumption. 3 meals. NOTE: For fat burning 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.
or Proto: Metabolism, amino acids, helps to build tissues.
or MINER and VIT: Help to renew the cells, tissues and for metabolic processes.
or LIPID: Help connecting cells, provide energy, help the joints.


1 .- BREAKFAST: Cereal (HC), ham, milk, cheese (PROT), oils, dry sulphides (LIPID), fruit, juice (VIT AND MIN). 2 .-
SNACK: Required to stay active - 1 piece fruit, nuts, ...
3 .- FOOD: 1 Rabbit (min / vit), 2 pasta, rice, boiled potatoes (HC), fish, meat, 3 º fruit. 4 .-
SNACK: Yogurt, idem 2 º. 5 .-
DINNER carbohydrate load.

- Ergogenic Aids
or provide energy. Ergo =
or energy. O
best ergogenic aids are
§ Nutrients: Carbohydrates and fats. §
Dietary Supplements:
· Creatine: Increases strength in 60/70%. Perform a load of 100 gr. in 5 days, 20 grams per day, 4 doses of 5 grams in the day, mixed with juice. 2 weeks to keep it 1 dose 5g per day of. Cash taking it 14-20 days and rest 5 / 6 months.
• L-Carnitine: Burn fat. Accompanied aerobic exercise. Effective: 1g-half hour before exercise.
· Fun Burner: Metabolic Accelerator. It makes you burn fat but not proven.
· Ephedrine / Synephrine: Bring the nervous system, increases your speed, strength, ... but it's bad for the heart, creates insomnia, ... NOT RECOMMENDED.

Calories In Pan Fried Haddock

Here we put the photo of the new coaches of level 2 FEDA of Granada. Arovechamos to thank each and aa one of them an esosdos fun weekends we spent together and much encouragement to keep going all !!!!! Saludossssss!!

Pinewood Derby Templates Boat

FEDA Sorry for the sloppiness

again guys!! Sorry for the neglect of the blog but for various reasons has been unable to maintain more or less a day page. Then begin to introduce new topics of interest. Receive many greetings hugs from us!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Shoestring Licorice In Calgary


: the unspeakable:

Yes, I know, I have no time to write ..

And I will not write much to say today .. hehe

just wanted to tell the virtual world (how well I was "welcome"), this Thursday is the decisive day I've been waiting for several years ... (No, rather it is several years, yes, that's better)

This Thursday defending my thesis!

So if you believe in God, Buddha, some higher force or Elvis, please pray for me, and in case of atheism, send your best mentally good vibes, or simply cross your fingers. .. anything goes ..

Thanks .. for now I have to keep correcting the presentation (I test last night with my profs .. I was right ..)

We speak soon
