not pretend that this is a lesson of atoms.
But it helps to understand something.
is known as Cal calcium oxide, CaO. Well, actually it is called quicklime. Slaked lime is what happens when you mix with water, and causes the calcium hydroxide Ca (OH) 2.
Quicklime is used as a binder for building a long long time. It is also used for whitewashing walls. The reaction between the quicklime and water is enough "euphoric", so it burns commonly occur in people exposed to lime.
The Arena, is a mixture of phosphates and silicates of various things, and well, can be used for many things, from designing to glass hourglasses, sand and water purification and bla bla bla .
What I'm after this explanatory note is that both are incredibly useful, so I would like someone to enlighten me what is good and what's bad in the phrase
"One of lime and sand"
do not understand.
Talking to a friend about it, we conclude that perhaps there is no question that one is good and one bad, but both have their positive side, but sometimes good things get along with others do not ask.
Hmmm .. so they can work, family, theses ... hmmm .. in this case as very nearly everything would make sense ..
The difficulty is to mount the operation for Optimism do not send everything flying.
But do not despair .. just make the usual tantrums.
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