Thursday, August 2, 2007

What Is Pay For Ccie In 2011 In Dubai

fourteen minutes

:: All serene::

Hello. Is 6:25 and I have much to say.

The pills are gone, the allergy and mutant because I happened ... I'm just the right hand with a tan, and I have dark spots on the belly, make me look like a Dalmatian version candy.

For the rest, life is quiet .... I'm reading "Captain Pantoja and the Special Service" , and this great .. I laughed a lot. I have even more books on the shelf that I have read .... that's good.

" thesis? they say there goes .. I am forced vacation because my profs decided to travel to opposite ends of the Americas, leaving cyanide with an attack of claustrophobia Central. So, I have to wait to return to me return corrected drafts of chapters which I gave.

What else I can tell? I'm half bored, but I'm not complaining. I suppose one is half used a dizzying regimen of activities, and when in a moment of haven, gets a "vacuum horror" that it would put him one day activities to leave the agenda as a manifesto of the purest Baroque. But no.

Hey, you saw that I went to a job interview last week for a sales position. I think I did well. Yes, I know, one does not study Atomism to sell anything, but honestly, prefer to be on the road visiting customers the world contained in a laboratory in with horrible odors and a number of dawn immaculate spotless white gringa. No thanks. Anyway, I think let me know in two weeks how it went.

I have not much to tell, only that life is short steps, but by that and thank God going forward . Sometimes I despair that things do not go as fast as I wanted, but what can you going to do.

6:39 am and all serene.


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