Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jet Li Unleashed Stre

Alien Gloria Grahame

Cine Nostalgia: The eighth passenger.

Made in 1979, Alien is one of the few science fiction film that created school. Had several sequels that failed to rise, although that must be taken into account the results rather than correct Aliens (1986) , James Cameron film.

what usually happens is always a few exceptions. But the genre that fits Alien , science fiction, it is just an excuse to recreate a genuine horror film, in its broadest sense.

The argument can be summarized in a single premise: there is a danger, of unclear origin, which threatens a group of people (which threatens us), which can arise at any time, anywhere and end with our lives.

The most immediate reference Alien is another film genre, the masterful The Thing from Another World (1951) directed by Howard Hawks. But in the scope of its proposal, Alien title reaches supposedly far removed from their premises.

Movies like Jaws or The night of Halloween , seemingly unrelated, affect patterns whose background and motivations are very similar to those of Alien . Obviously it is The Thing from Another World the film closest to his argument.

    But Alien, despite being clearly inspired Hawks's film, is another powerful reference point in a story by John W. Campbell entitled Is there anybody there? whose argument is very similar, although Alien is a piece with personality that gets separated from both stories.

John Carpenter made his own interpretation of The Thing from Another World in The thing (1982), where they are even more clearly the influence of Campbell's story.

Alien is a movie that does not resort to strident, or the use of effects special resources or narrative, and takes time to resolve scenes, sequences, creating a strong pre-tension, to what both the characters in the story as viewers, we are waiting for: the visibility of this "thing" threat and that we do not manage to locate in something we know.

We can imagine how it was filmed today a script like Alien . Surely everything would be explained by attack of the beast with a great display of special effects, with saves at the last minute, with loud music.

Alien has the virtue of not being explicit, or about the threat that hangs over the characters or what the results. We always have the distressing feeling of what is and what will happen next. However, do not skimp on the eloquent images devastating actions of that "thing" until the very end of the film does not show his face.

Another finding of Alien is the character of Lt. Ripley, a role to clearly "masculine" than to be played by a woman makes it doubly interesting. Baffles us and we admire his courage to face the "thing" and we are concerned about their apparent female fragility.

Alien is the prelude to the next masterpiece from Ridley Scott, again attached to science fiction, Blade Runner mythical .

Alien is cited most often in the film compilations such as the most influential in science fiction movies from the date of implementation, followed closely by Halloween night , a film that "is" science fiction, though often seen as a mere horror film for adolescents.

would not be fair to forget that with Alien, one of its sequels, the aforementioned Aliens (1986), is also included in almost every list of best horror films fiction in the entire history of cinema.

See and see again Alien is always a hallucinatory experience in which we find in each viewing new suggestions to decipher chills us feel renewed.

Fear of the intangible and the danger of they can get beyond the galaxies are well described in Alien, and would be appropriate to cite the unacknowledged remake John MacTiernan made in 1987, Predator , also the subject of several sequels, of which the alien is faced with the original. In the unpredictable and funny Alien vs. Predator .


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