Monday, December 24, 2007

Stomach Bug Vancouver Symptoms

PISA: the "big brother" of the OECD

"has a much more dangerous than a wicked ass!" concludes with a severe passion Perez Reverte article in Country Weekly where ruthlessly attacking politicians, educators and all those who had on their "hands infamous public education in the last twenty or thirty years ." His critics, not without demagogy, it strikes with the stupidity of those who have removed from the classroom " intelligent analysis, the ability to read and therefore understand the world, including science ." But above all focus-and this I fully share your opinion, in the incomprehensible arrogance policy makers, stupid complacency and utter lack of self-criticism. They gave the reason

Perez Reverte MEC speakers who, last Wednesday 19, at the official presentation of the results of PISA, struggled mightily to find lateral readings relativize, if not overshadowed, the disastrous results of the report. Boasted of good data for Spain because, they said, if our country to bring you the socioeconomic differential has with the rest of the OECD, the test results would be slightly above average. Beautiful Utopia! In addition, tucked in his role as "clear" of the administration's achievements abounded in recent years, insisting that public education in Spain was too young to ask excellence existed only democracy.

approaches such superficial view and understand, share-the monumental tantrum Perez Reverte, because it is not tolerable to justify all the inefficiencies of our educational system with the coarse sambenito of "historical backwardness." In fact, pre-school LOGSE selective and exclusive, guaranteed a higher level of excellence, but not for me to praise him and revalidation revenue system, in which only a small selected group of students could progress prematurely. What merit is academic success in a system that only works with the most able? Apparently there was no failure, because the less bright students had been previously excluded.

The LOGSE comprehensive school was an achievement unprecedented social, but its implementation has been difficult and its amendments and adjustments require a thorough analysis and realistic international reports such as PISA. His threats are both from Booby paid to all-time past was better "and the mediocre political opportunism and other" pedabobos "bent on cooking the objective data to hide under favorable statistics.

is a pity that the blind obstinacy of some and the other from doing a positive reading of the report. And yet, there is, as evidenced by Andreas Schleicher, head of Pisa, in the same forum. Schleicher gave many clues for improvement, which passed by the personal service, by creating expectations of success in students, their families and in schools, and taking real responsibility - " is different than autonomy "- on schools. But Schleicher presentation highlighted the existence of a large gap between our model and PISA. I do not speak of a gap in the educational purposes, but in something as basic as the concept of effort and responsibility.

is a cultural problem that transcends politics and ideologies. In fact, it is curious that the only point of agreement between the popular and socialist LOCE LOE is the claim of the "culture of effort", understood by all as student effort, as a basis of educational improvement. However, Schleicher offered divergent and unexpected approach. Yes to the culture of effort and went on to say, but understood as the effort of every teacher, every school and the system itself to ensure that students progress. That is, the primary responsibility rests not with the student, as many claim, but the teacher and the school.

In the same vein, yesterday I was struck by a teacher, member of STES, with a masterful commentary:
"If you want to see how it improves public education, and without spending a single euro more, requires teachers to spend really in the center 35 hours a week, not just the hours that they have to teach. "

not sounds crazy, but I doubt that dares to hold this same view in the union. What government would dare to require something? Cooking is easier to follow data and statistics tangle.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

What Is Moderate Spondylosis


The other day we received a contribution on an article by Juan Ramón Heredia Alvaro interesting, recommended by Ofra. Hang it for you can keep an eyelet as we found very interesting. Deals with injury in indoor cycling. We recommend it because this brilliant is a great contribution here and take this opportunity to congratulate and give the graciasssss Ofra. Greetings from ceutaaaaa!!

Memo To Announce New Hire

Chimpanzees surpass us in some intellectual capacity (and this will not report PISA)

Go cold water for our species, as past of complacency and "incontinence ego! It turns out that a large battery of experimental tests carried out by researchers at Kyoto University , five chimpanzees were shown to have better memories than college students digital. And as explained by the study director, Tetsuro Matsuzawa, the experiment does not allow for the chance:

"Many people, including many biologists, who believe that humans are superior to chimpanzees in all cognitive functions. Nobody could imagine that chimpanzees have more than five years that human memory skills. Demonstrated for the first time they have an extraordinary ability to remember numbers, greater than that of adult humans who did the same test. "
front of the frenetic activity of the Apes, responding compulsively and without committing a single error (what envy!), Struck by the bewilderment of the students, their air breading and its absolute inability to remember more than two consecutive numbers. The Matsuzawa Japan insists that underwent young chimpanzees and human adults the same evidence and "the same way." But here, among us, I have to say that the procedure was not quite the same. If you look at videos of the tests, we see subtly that each success of a chimpanzee is reinforced a peanut dispensing machine. But there is no evidence that the university did the same, for that to match the experimental conditions. Moreover, I am sure that instead of peanuts had to offer, in all probability, some shots of Chinese absinthe or a cheap cost, the only rational way to understand their behavior. Because the other explanation I have is that they have been selected for testing by the same company that Humor makes the casting of Amarillo. No, it would be too. Is more credible than Tetsuro Matsuzawa, at personal crusade against anthropocentrism, has decided to harakiri our species with the scientific method.

Whatever the article published in the journal Current Biology ends dramatically with the universal idea that humans are superior in all cognitive functions, and remember that probably we underestimated the intellectual capacity of the ancestors closest to the human species.

can see that we lack a boil evolutionary

The experiment was to show the different actors, humans and apes despite the redundancy, multiple numbers 1 to 9 on a touch screen. Subsequently, the numbers were replaced by a blank and participants had to indicate what number appeared, where and in what order. Participated in the experiment three females and a baby chimpanzee from each of them. Showed young chimps have better memories than their mothers and humans: memorized most of the numbers, regardless of the time these appeared on the screen, which was shrinking, as the test progressed. For their part, college students were much slower than the six monkeys in their response and also gave worse the lower the period of time the number was presented on the screen.

A humbling

The Tetsuro Matsuzawa mented interpret these observations through what he calls "eidetic imagery," a special ability to remember things heard and seen in a complex scene with a near perfect level of detail . In philosophy, the word "eidetic" from the Greek 'eidés' refers to the intuitive knowledge of the essence. It is going to be!

But for the rest of us, including myself included, would suffice to assume Franciscan humility still have much to learn from our brothers in the animal kingdom, which are closer to us than we want to think. Interesting lesson for the bull, which cynically cheesy mask-art, culture, nobility, courage ...- torture a coso anachronistic ritual, or for designers and furriers, determined to start literally skin some animals to others look your palm. Serve

Matsuzawa work to remember the need to respect animals, unnecessary cruelty prosecution, although it masquerades as art, fashion or medical experimentation, "and to demand decent treatment, especially those for sacrifice. It's the least we can ask for those left more than skin for us.

If proximity is not let us, at least, if Tetsuro Matsuzawa, stubbornly Japan, manages to sneak in their chimps in the next PISA tests and makes them compete with our 15 year olds. Just the thought gives me chills.

videos on the experiment:

S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 - S5 - S6 - S7

Monday, December 3, 2007

Beige Paint Color With


The next day, December 1 will start on level 2 at Granada Indoor Cycle. The course will consist of two weekends, ie 1 and 2 December and 15-16 December. Consist of a total of 25 hours. We inform you if anyone is interested.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Two Day Mucosy Period?

Here we leave a new graphic session, but in Instead of taking the pulse, is working with a percentage. When consumer tastes!! Jejejejeejejeje. Just kidding. Greetings comrades!

PS: It is made with the excel, the truth is not very complicated as getting the data you draw the graph automatically.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Denture Is Turning Black


Here we leave as we calculate our theoretical HRmax, through the following formula (used as an example a person of 40 years):
HRmax = 220 - age of the subject ; HRmax = 220-40 = 180 l / m
Once solved our theoretical HRmax, we must identify areas of work, which are:
Zone I: -70% 180 = -126 l / m
Zone II: 70-80% of 180 = 126-144 l / m
Zone III: 80-90% of 180 = 144-162 l / m
Zone IV: + 90% = + 162 l / m

Two Stroke Generator Oil


After having made the Internet a look we found a rather interesting article on how to put the cleats properly. We hope that you are interested at all / as. Thanks & Regards
from southern Spain!

"The first thing to know is that incorrect positioning of the inlets causes the knee does not work ideally, with ease, but a forced and unnatural way. This movement repeated over and over again can of injury, especially in people prone to this or weak joints. How shall I put? As a picture is worth a thousand words I have set an image, and so I'll explain in less than a thousand words.

We assume that the point of maximum support of the foot corresponds to the center of the first metatarsal head, that is, where the fingers join the rest of the foot (lighter, up to where it is often out of the big toe bunion).
To make best use of all leg extensor power (or pedal or pedal stroke) and turn around muscles and tendons problems we will have to match the point described in the preceding paragraph with the center axis pedal. So we are in the same vertical line (blue box figure).
Another important consideration is as follows: the two shoes have to be perfectly parallel to each other and in line with the longitudinal axis of the bicycle. That is, the heels and toes should be neither inward nor out.

Start In Pink And White In Cubefield


Good afternoon / as!

After seeing the many requests by many indoor cycling forums, here we graph model we employ . The graph has two variants, one for songs and one for the number keystrokes. It is made with Word and put the level of each song used the same Word or Paint to draw a line straight up or down work function as the composition and level of pulses to which we intend to reach. We hope you will serve at least guidance. After all we want to serve you all contributions we are making in our blog. Thanks!
Greetings from Ceuta!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Oem Building Inspection Templates

Very good at all / as!! Here you have by way of example, two such meetings to take place at Indoor Cycle classes. Not put it into shock because I still do not know how to put on the blog files to download. For the titles of songs I hope that at least sound. Thank you all and as we are open to contributions!



Saturday, November 17, 2007

How To Instal Runescape At School


: what they bring apples:

Before I learned properly about the Joyful atoms, all learned of Physics.

seems a damn q Newton was one of those bombillazos cool when I was relaxing under a tree .. and then I came an apple-shaped bulb. It ruled

3 laws:

1) Act Inertia

2) Force Law

3) Law of Action-Reaction .

Those that concern us today are the first two ... the third is good karma, but for today I want to get into mysticism.

The first says that a body at rest or in motion wants to stay at rest or movement he had. In other words, is some resistance to change. Or rather, a period of "habituation" .
Things in my life have decided to move all at once. As if they had woken up, after so much inaction and both slowdowns: I am at least two weeks present thesis (I'm not nervous, but rather a sense of " end up-with-this-via-crucis-de-damn-time unabuena ) and I a week at my new job , I really like (talk about that in the next post), and is forecast Puchunguis on the horizon (no Paquette, no thanks ..).
So I'm a little shocked by such news, but super happy, and with arms abiertototototes for so many good things that seems to come.

The second says that q need for a body to move, is to accelerate. In other words, let I was doing and put the batteries. So, when something happens, it happens all .. when it comes to something, it all comes from.

And here I am, with the sleeves rolled, half super happy to get carried away by the strong current, but not idly .. because there is much to do, but this time I have looooong drive ..

was used to pause, to boredom, to the stillness .. And now life is madness, speed, acceleration, change, evolution, frenzy, arousal, movement ...

Who's afraid? I have the foot on the gas .. and it feels good ... veeeeery

So a moral alternative is that parapets is super necessary under a tree .. and wait for good apples you light rain down. Let the fruit fall from the sky sometimes is not bad ...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How Do U Beat Shark Tooth Island On Poptropica


cycle for our sessions we educate our clients on the importance of wearing cycling computer classes since this device will control the pace that we carry. It is very important because without heart rate monitor can get us from zone 2 to zone 4 in an instant and it can damage our body. For this reason, we PULSOMETROSSS!!

A recommendation for the client's welfare

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Create Masterbator From Common Household Items


Here we provide a short article in which we wanted to influence the importance of good positioning on the bike, because if we do not have, after spending much time with no proper posture, can cause serious injury to back or knee. Here you can see some examples.


low-front Seat :
- Increased pressure on the kneecap.
-Increased risk of knee injury for a major component of flexion-rotation and weak vastus medialis.
- Worn early patellofemoral cartilage.
- meniscopathies-tendinopathy.
- Lumbago-back pain.
- Cervical pain.
Saddle height:
- Possible ligamentous and meniscal problems.
- Lumbago (lumbosacral torque)
- dorsal kyphosis (especially low handlebar positions)
Saddle late:
- Possible correction of the lumbar spine.
- Lumbalgias

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pokemon Emerald Mod Shop Won't Work

set in this article, we thought it might be interesting for everyone, due to the homogeneity that we can find in our classrooms. Saludossss!!

Indoor Cycling Class (IC) in older

In general, recommendations for an indoor cycling class focusing on a senior RPE between 3-7, ie between 50-85% of VO2max or 60-90% of HRmax (Forteza, 2000). However, due to the risk of cardio problems associated with these ages, do not consider it appropriate to work at high intensities. In addition, take into account the level of practice of the participants, progress during the initiation, the seniority in the activity and the characteristics of the group.
In practice, there are several parameters that determine the effort made by the subject. The main factors to consider when calculate this effort are the cadence and workload or resistance of the bike during the ride, although other factors such as subject position on the bike can also influence. These factors remain an inverse relationship and their combination will allow us to structure the session to the desired goal. In the next table are guidance on their interaction during the practice (Table 4):

The overall intensity of the load must be understood in a context relative to the population group under consideration . Is directly related with the body's physiological responses, meaning that both the characteristics of the seniors groups allow us to work with medium and high overall intensities, but not very high.
Our philosophy is to get a good momentum (rhythm and music), fun (communication, motivation, etc..) And skill (pedaling technique and position on the bike). Concentrating on the latter, the position on the bike will be one of the most important work during the session, as it will be the basis of a safe, effective and lasting.

Retirement Cake Verbage


Good evening, here is the bake pan to present the first contribution on our blog. Take this opportunity to say thank you!! Keep contributing, and succeed together a good blog Indoor Cycle.

Name: _________________________________________ Date :________

Age :_____ Sex: M / M

Person to contact in case of Emergency
:_____________________________ Name :____________________________________________________ Relationship

Phone (s) of contact: __________________
important Datosmédicos :_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Currently, are you taking any medication? YES / NO
(If yes specify the medication :_______________________________)

Do you suffer now or have had in the past ...? (Mark X)

or heart problems or hypertension

or chronic illness or a problem with exercise or recommendation
no physical exercise or surgery during the past year
or currently pregnant or in the last 3 months
or respiratory or lung problems
or muscle problems, joint or back pain or
Diabetes and other hormonal disorders, or hypercholesterolemia

Do you smoke? YES / NO if so approx., How many cigarettes per day? _______

Sort your stress level by selecting one of the following options:


Thank you for lacolaboración! This can lead us to make you reach your goals without putting your health at risk.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Starcraft Cc Used Boat

take advantage of this little hole to thank all these colleagues for their kindness during the 4 weekends that lasted the course. Compis thank you very much! If anyone sees this blog would like to get in touch with us. Saludossss!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What Happens If You Dont Cure Cold Sore


What is the risk Indoor Cycle?
The risk is present in the currents are handled. Indoor Cycle class is very similar to what a normal aerobics class, first starts with a warm up that lasts about ten minutes later a medium impact phase also lasts 10 to 15 minutes and then a high-impact stage also lasts 10 to 15 minutes, then performed a decrease in the intensity of another 10.15 minutes and a cooling or cool down as the English say about 10 minutes which do stretching exercises. For Indoor Cycle the first two parts are very similar, but the intensity is where the problems begin because the currents driving the monitors are most often very high. Let me explain: The monitor is an individual who is being paid for what you enjoy doing, is happy with him and also wins. To this we add that has a good physical condition and is an active athlete. Well, this person submits to same workloads to everyone in their class and are of the same age or people over forty or fifty years.
In this article we make conscious to monitor how important it is to take into account the client before us, especially the new ones. That each self-assessments in this regard, if you think it is good or bad but our purpose is to warn that it is not very suitable to put burden regardless of the client.
I hope you are interested in this topic.

German Groping On Trains Vids

You have at your disposal other session that emplemos in our classes. Used the most convenient to believe, both are good. Greetings from the loneliest city of Spain jejejejejeje. Ceeuta Viva!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Size 15 Mens Ice Skate

Questionnaire Session Quadrant

Hello !!!!! Here's a quick quiz that you can go to students who bring new and have never done Nigun Cilo practice. This attempt to better understand our students and be able to make the classes according to their capabilities.

Samick Wooden Riser Bow Archery

Here you have a dial-on for those who want to have it. Which is used to program our classes. Saludooooos!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Does A Woman With A Bmi Of 22 Look Fat


Here you have some notes indoor cycle of our harvest. Hope you can help. Greetings



or robustness or similar to the conventional.

or parts of the bike:

§ Handlebar. §
Table. §
saddle. §
Pedals: scale and belt. §
flywheel (Still spinning when you stop pedaling): between 15-20 kg.

or Maintenance (it usually does the same brand of bike. Clean sweat bike hygiene oxidation. Leave it to a low resistance).

or Adjustment:
Saddle: hip height exactly the iliac crest. §
handlebar-seat: middle finger to the elbow of separation.


or modifying basic positions (standing, sitting, lock ...) and different grips (Basic, hook, attack and triathlete).
or eg, Sprint-standing and sitting
§ The sprint always coupled (horn downtown, triathlete) but sitting and not more than 30 sec. If it is a sprint soft grip is any good. §

· Foot
· Push.
· On foot and make the curve.
· Release the handle (standing).


or Arms:

§ § §
Hook §
attack or demurrage or coupled Triathlete

or Trunk:


§ § § Baja


or shootings in level (basic, hook). Ascension
or sitting. Ascension
or foot (hook).
or Attack (triathlete sitting).
or Decrease (attack, triathlete).
or Sprint (triathlete).
or Curve.


or two types: round and piston.
or Fluid.
or Triarticular (3 joints: hip, knee and ankle).
pedaling or 1 = 360 ° turn


or drive (we started pedaling up).
or pressure.
or repulsion (bottom).
or lifting.
Two sectors that do not exercise power:
- Drive.
- Repulsion.


or Redondo: No dead spots. O
Piston: When we emphasize the critical points.


or natural movement.
or Upper body relaxed.
or position to allow proper breathing.
or elbows bent. Hip
or static.
or no bounce. Kneeling
or straight. Heels
or aligned parallel to the floor.


or clothing.
or indoor cycle room
or Safety.

or intensity: Effort needed to overcome a load factor. §
Resistance + - +
§ Speed \u200b\u200bIntensity - or + cadence - strength +
§ Position on the bike, standing - Intensity +
§ Load - Rise - Intensity +
Note: On a rise no more intense than in a sprint.


o Avoid high intensity exercise
or body position and pedaling technique. Caution
or change grips.
or Delete exercises forced positions.
or not the center of gravity forward. Avoid
or high cadence pedaling.
or imagination. ¿?
or Safety. ¿?
or Justification. ¿?

Note: Changes of grip is done first hand and then the other.

- Group Exercise


or Groups or Relay.
or Mirror. @
or lead the class.
or rhythm-music.


or fundamental element in the IC session.
or musical Time: BEATS. Music
or open.
Session = 13 songs or approximately (45-50 ')


or all sorts of possibilities
or Music Choice: Tap §
instructor staff. @ §
§ Have a clear goal of the topic within the session. § Enter
subjects with a committed.


or Warming: muscle pulse rise.
or Development: climb, sprint (max. 10-15 sec.) Plain, falls, block, round, jumping ... or
Back to calmly drop beats (provided by stretching), stretching (train upper and lower).

Why Does Pan Greek God Play A Flute

Very good at all / as. Our names are Laura Perez (Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Sport and a diploma in teaching, Indoor Cycle Monitor-1 level by the FEDA, Batuka Monitor, Aerobics and Pilates by the English Federation) - Victor Ortega (Diploma in Physical Education and Monitor Indoor Cycle-1 level by the FEDA, Monitor Pilates by the English Federation of Pilates and personal trainer for the international school) and we decided to write this blog Indoor cycle in order to contribute our bit in this inpulse more mode. In this blog we will be gradually introducing topics of interest related to such activity, from notes to class sessions, diverse music, websites of interest etc ... The blog will try to update monthly and power and thus help those people who thinks little informed, lack of documentation, enhancing knowledge, etc ... Without more we ask people to visit the blog to leave comments on the blog, what you like, the last thing, what would change, what they would ... We are open to all suggestions and of course to send us contributions for all aspects of the Indoor Cycle. Thank you very much for having added to the blog and at least have had an interest. We see here a hug to all / as.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Where To Trade Holopans For Ryno

:: for a change .... ::

Well I finally found employment .. is a company that seems to have become very cyanide, so it seems to me like .. until I talk with people of flesh and blood, instead of having to talk to the gay q atoms ... this for me is a big win muuuuuuy ..

A friend told him about my new job (which will initiate on Monday 12 November) told me then I belonged to the EAP (economically active population ... but it could also mean proletarians extremely abused. .), and that he would work with the GDP .. I insisted that was not working right now so I do not belong to any of these P-categories (as many bad words that start with P!!).

"No no, Cyanide ... it's like .. although the policy has not been sworn in, the guy who won election as president is known Elect ... As for you .. sos .. hmmmm Elect Proletarian "Proletarian

Elect .. another title to my collection of nebulous transition states .. along with an undergraduate thesis student, Single (this I'm not complaining at all ..), Unemployed. .

Well .. life is a process, so do not get stressed me .. after all, have attractive nebulae!

So, fellow proletarians, as Proletarian Elect I promise I'll fight for a fair wage, and waste it on nonsense number, and perhaps save some

.. Thanks .. thanks!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cervix Drops Before Period

acceleration tables

: deca-Glot secretariat:

Let's be clear: the fact that all of us speak English, does not mean that the communication was simple.
me explain:

INGREDIENTS - a Dominican
- a Colombian middle-aged

- a Uruguayan termite with hot water and your mate

- a Venezuelan

- an Argentine

- a Paraguayan

- a Mexican

- a Peruvian

- a tico
- a cyanide

first blessing Proceed ingredients in the special table.
Then transfer the ingredients to absorb q dining room for breakfast foods. Cyanide
Reserve for later. Place remaining ingredients in a table to discuss the environment takes shape, but should not become warm and thick.

Now slowly add the cyanide in a computer for secretarial documentation of the meeting, and the development of memory. (Be careful because the cyanide does not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow it develops memory.)

Proceed now to bring all ingredients to the other table, the dining room, and let the tea soak. Then return to the first table for further discussion until it's lunchtime, and repeat well from the s 9 am to 11 pm, or until the ingredients are about to burst.

Uruguayan If the ingredient absorbs a lot mate, leave it alone, is happy as well. Yes, thank you for the explanation of the ritual of mate, and to invite Cyanide their matecito ... If the Mexican ingredient begins to sing ballads, or dance without music, check the alcohol content.

Otherwise, enjoy the recipe for three days.

Makes a portion of mental vacation so much fun, and a stipend to cyanide by the pile of prints and photocopied and sent ...

Bon Apetit!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What Are The Best Lakme Cosmetics

:: 7 years and counting::

----------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Two caveats:
1) if you are looking optimism, I can not offer it for now ..
again later 2) as I am the hero of my story, I love playing the victim. So please believe me no more than necessary.
----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- I

confess before God and all of you who've been sinning muuuuuuuucho of thought word and deed ... (Mea culpa, etc. .)... especially work .. but hey .. That is not what concerns us here .. not dare to meet morbidities details .. hehehe .. for that are the coffee cups!

Speaking of cups of coffee, breakfast today I had an encounter with reality ... and this .. The problem is that this is being looking to the past .. and much ..

7 years have passed since I changed my name to Cyanide . Contrary to the wishes of the tree of the genealogies (and genialogias), do not use my middle name as mine, but my first name. This implies that the tree meets a cyanide that does not match what the rest of us know.

After so many years (more than 364 weeks, 84 months ... and other load) I realize that I'm still Cyanide does not know how to argue with the tree .. I am the cyanide remains silent and alone after a recount of the arguments, as those who choose beans. Cyanide often afraid of conflict and change ... While I express myself better when I write that when I speak .. perhaps because the written word carries no facial expressions, and can even be digested slowly, and read (which is much more accurate than recall a conversation).

try to remember if you break some glass that night .. maybe I did was remove the paper doll was in there, and put someone that looked a bit more my . However, it seems that these events involve more than 7 years of bad luck .. that bad .. not come in the manual.

After so many years, even I want to scream that my more than 300 months (almost rather 312) some experience have given me maybe not much, but I'll know something of joy and sadness and wisdom and battles to fight ... shouting that may very well not like taking my life, but I'm trying ... screaming that I am not responsible for making anyone happy but myself to make me happy (and that's a huge responsibility !!)... but never cry .. I only silence, until the words and hurricanes pass ... and put a face on totem but a face that looks like an empty shell of human.

The tree speaks to me of how everything is connected, and how my actions can do so unhappy. But the tree does not know that their branches can also make me unhappy ... how to know nothing of the world ... of how the world will devour me .. of how the street is a jungle and I can not survive ... the parable of the black sheep ... of how the future is always black for the black sheep ... In short, the Gospel of discouragement ...

So after 7 years, nothing has changed .. we are all the same prejudices, the same cries, the same rebelliousness and the same silence ..

Sometimes time does not heal the wounds .. only the dust covers ..

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Motion Sensing Light For Closet

7 years And now?

:: the next day ... ::

I do not like talking about politics. I try to avoid talking about issues that do not know, and I must admit that politics does not interest me.

I've heard things like "clear, do not care about the future of your country" .. I am interested .. so I'm not interested in politics or politicians.

NAFTA did not write anything and I showed up for blogging because it was already saturated with information. Many of them false , but information itself.

I voted not due to personal reasons, and certain convictions not discuss because they are relevant. I only know that on October 8, Monday, the atmosphere was quite heavy and gloomy, several people were heartbroken and sad and the pouring rain did not help anything. Others were, and still are, outraged, angry, disappointed.

Monday was a defeat for 48% of voters in a country ... but maybe in the end lose all.

I have fear. Fear of what will happen. Than we are to remove, or steal, or cheat. Fear of being struck by economic apocalypse or social or ecological, or otherwise. Fear of being charged a blank check (as I heard say several people).

say that things will improve a lot .. but I have fear of being lied to .. again .. as they have done in a while .. not whether the glass is half full or half empty, or if there is a storm in a glass of water.

hope I'm wrong. I hope we are proven wrong with our fears. But fear has been a constant .. and to have been written ...

live in a country of two letters: Yes or No. .. appear to "decide" the Yes I say "decided" because they support the first-person plural in this case, because the verb can decide including some or much duress.

suppose a sane person, with feet on the ground, say that is time to fight together without divisions, to take this country forward. guess this person would have reason .. but I can not guarantee that I will be that person.

But keep hope .. is nice (rather than beautiful, amazing) to see so many ticos organized by something you BELIEVE .. see how they met, they argued, were reported, they marched they chanted. Do not lose that. Let us not fight ..

As someone very wise said

"Let the pessimism for better times"

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Song Cocaine Heroin Alcohol

guest lime and sand

: Comedy in nine millimeters:

was a stormy night and not because the storm had gone. Cyanide slept peacefully in his bed, dreaming of the beautiful Pacific and Japan and Singapore, Oman and India (I think in that order). And dreaming of the woman who told "But it arrived 10 minutes early to the all-important interview, but was 20 minutes late ..." , and also dreamed of tender-depravity through IM and text messages (Oh, the power of the written word ...).

At 3:00 a.m. Cyanide was suddenly awakened by a popping sound, sudden and very strong, from the ceiling with spatial location on the opposite side of the house. Cyanide froze, thinking that Attila and his Huns had decided to go back in time to steal their prized possessions ( which? Cleaner!! ). A few moments (I think there were a total of 6 seconds .. not .. my accountant is on vacation moments) heard of a cat running across the ceiling. Cyanide struggled to regain lost sleep, with eyes like two guavas nocturnal glowing on the barren darkness as the zombie movie more phosphorescent class B.

next day had to be at 8 am in beautiful St. Petersburg for occupation-forming, so to get up at about 6, I saw no one awake .. not even myself.

As Arsenic Dad met a couple of days (just two pairs of days), we decided to go to Provence (I stole from the palabrilla smoke) to test a well known restaurant. So we were in the car driving Arsenic Papa, Mama Strychnine, Belladonna and this server When I tell the interesting story that Belladonna climbed to the ceiling to investigate a strange hole they found most perfect in the room where the computer from which I write .. that odd ..

A Aji de Gallina, a chicha morada, and a strawberry-banana smoothie then return to his beloved Cyanide home with his family (who will not comment on his food .. well .. except Belladonna, the the chicken came out with too much flavor of "El Peje"), and devoted himself to the great task of investigating the aforementioned hole, perfectly oval geometry. So Cyanide rolled up and climbed to the roof (in my family have this strange fixation with trepamientos), and with a stick I got to see if the holes match and bla bla bla. Returning to the fourth question, and check the floor, I found a beautiful piece of LEAD copper colored. Belladonna insisted definitely had to report it, so arsenic and cyanide Dad went to OIJ to file a complaint, and promised that may reach the Eye Inspections that day. Well, actually promised only to cyanide, as the guard kindly explained that now only the complainant can go, because, you see, recently entered a complainant ball with all his people (aka train), and then came the counter-complainant with its own entourage, so imagine that all hell broke out there. Since then, the judge did not allow anyone to enter with the complainant, you see.

In order to make a long story that night, arrived on site inspections, and the whole family of cyanide was nervous and excited. Everyone was waiting to enter Grissom's CSI , and cordon off the entire area. So we got rid of explanations that they had to move the compu because you got the water hole, and that Dad had Arsenic have put the claim to be the owner of the house, and a long etcetera. Mom

Strychnine was disappointed not to see or a patrol, not a huge bag with very complete team. As for me almost cry of indignation to see the expert to collect the bullet ( of 9 mm caliber, that is, huge ) with his bare hands, and was about to remind the importance of wearing gloves to avoid affect "the evidence."

So at the end of the night, I write this, and everyone in my house todies give thanks that God wants Tata while not letting the ball do harm to none of the my family. Not only is the shock .. is knowing that death is a very singracia and "unfair" to die because of a stray bullet.

That this is another example of that you always have to be aware of his actions .. or you can do a lot a lot of damage ..

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Clever Sayings For Purdue

not pretend that this is a lesson of atoms.

But it helps to understand something.

is known as Cal calcium oxide, CaO. Well, actually it is called quicklime. Slaked lime is what happens when you mix with water, and causes the calcium hydroxide Ca (OH) 2.
Quicklime is used as a binder for building a long long time. It is also used for whitewashing walls. The reaction between the quicklime and water is enough "euphoric", so it burns commonly occur in people exposed to lime.

The Arena, is a mixture of phosphates and silicates of various things, and well, can be used for many things, from designing to glass hourglasses, sand and water purification and bla bla bla .

What I'm after this explanatory note is that both are incredibly useful, so I would like someone to enlighten me what is good and what's bad in the phrase

"One of lime and sand"

do not understand.

Talking to a friend about it, we conclude that perhaps there is no question that one is good and one bad, but both have their positive side, but sometimes good things get along with others do not ask.

Hmmm .. so they can work, family, theses ... hmmm .. in this case as very nearly everything would make sense ..
The difficulty is to mount the operation for Optimism do not send everything flying.
But do not despair .. just make the usual tantrums.